@VERSION = 3.00 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containerpage1+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page1" Class3Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1page1_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 1" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" ribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcxlineRibbonmenuseparator1page1MHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" page1 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containerpage2+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page2" Class3Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1page2_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 2" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" ribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcxlineRibbonmenuseparator1page2MHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" page2 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containerpage3+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page3" Class3Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1page3_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 3" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" ribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcxlineRibbonmenuseparator1page3MHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" page3 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containerpage4+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page4" Class3Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1page4_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 4" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" ribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcxlineRibbonmenuseparator1page4MHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" page4 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container aboutpage30Width = 357 Height = 211 Name = "aboutpage3" Class2Pixels ribbonlistbox foxribbon.vcxlistboxRibbonlistbox2 aboutpage3ColumnCount = 0 ColumnWidths = "" RowSourceType = 1 RowSource = "English Guillermo Carrero,Espaol Guillermo Carrero" FirstElement = 1 Height = 184 Left = 10 NumberOfElements = 0 Top = 13 Width = 336 ZOrderSet = 0 Name = "Ribbonlistbox2"  aboutpage3!Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0  ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container carousel1/Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel1" Class5Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1 carousel1AutoSize = .F. FontSize = 14 WordWrap = .T. Caption = "FoxRibbon es una biblioteca de clases VCX 100% Visual FoxPro que ofrece una serie de herramientas para mejorar el aspecto visual de nuestras aplicaciones. Su uso y distribucin es libre para toda la Comunidad de Visual FoxPro." Height = 165 Left = 396 Top = 60 Width = 376 ZOrderSet = 1 _idtranslate = CAR002 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" imageimageImage2 carousel1vPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Image2"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2 carousel1FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Caption = "FoxRibbon?" Left = 372 Top = 24 ZOrderSet = 4 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = CAR001 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  myapplogo mydesigns.vcx container Myapplogo1 carousel1Top = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 3 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  carousel1 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container carousel2/Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel2" Class16PixelsimageimageImage2 carousel2vPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 1 Name = "Image2"  myapplogo mydesigns.vcx container Myapplogo1 carousel2Top = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1 carousel2FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Caption = "Caractersticas" Left = 372 Top = 24 ZOrderSet = 3 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = CAR003 Name = "Ribbonlabel1"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2 carousel2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Men tipo Ribbon" Left = 420 Top = 60 ZOrderSet = 4 _idtranslate = CAR004 Name = "Ribbonlabel2" imageimageImage1 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 64 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 5 Name = "Image1"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel3 carousel2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Mens desplegables" Left = 420 Top = 156 ZOrderSet = 6 _idtranslate = CAR008 Name = "Ribbonlabel3" imageimageImage3 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 159 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 7 Name = "Image3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel4 carousel2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Calendario, control de fechas y horas" Left = 420 Top = 180 ZOrderSet = 8 _idtranslate = CAR009 Name = "Ribbonlabel4" imageimageImage4 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 183 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 9 Name = "Image4"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel6 carousel2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Diseo de estilos (Colores)" Left = 420 Top = 108 ZOrderSet = 10 _idtranslate = CAR006 Name = "Ribbonlabel6" imageimageImage6 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 111 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 11 Name = "Image6"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel7 carousel2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Mens basados en pestaas" Left = 420 Top = 84 ZOrderSet = 12 _idtranslate = CAR005 Name = "Ribbonlabel7" imageimageImage7 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 87 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Image7" imageimageImage8 carousel2Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 135 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 15 Name = "Image8"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel8 carousel2~FontSize = 14 Caption = "Multi idioma" Left = 420 Top = 132 ZOrderSet = 14 _idtranslate = CAR007 Name = "Ribbonlabel8"  carousel2 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container carousel3/Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel3" Class9Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1 carousel3FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Caption = "Requerimientos:" Left = 372 Top = 24 ZOrderSet = 1 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = CAR010 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" imageimageImage2 carousel3vPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Image2"  myapplogo mydesigns.vcx container Myapplogo1 carousel3Top = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 3 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2 carousel3jFontSize = 14 Caption = "VFP 9.0 SP1 / SP2" Left = 418 Top = 84 ZOrderSet = 4 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel3 carousel3dFontSize = 14 Caption = "System.app" Left = 416 Top = 120 ZOrderSet = 5 Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel4 carousel3{Caption = "http://vfpx.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=GDIPlusX" Left = 444 Top = 144 ZOrderSet = 6 Name = "Ribbonlabel4" imageimageImage3 carousel3Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 123 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 8 Name = "Image3" imageimageImage1 carousel3Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 87 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 7 Name = "Image1"  carousel3 _container foxribbon.vcx container myapplogo.Width = 300 Height = 65 Name = "myapplogo" Class4PixelsimageimageImage1 myapplogoiPicture = defaultimages\logofoxribbon.png Height = 64 Left = 2 Top = -2 Width = 64 Name = "Image1"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2 myapplogoAutoSize = .F. FontBold = .T. FontItalic = .T. FontSize = 30 Caption = "FoxRibbon" Height = 52 Left = 76 Top = -6 Width = 220 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel3 myapplogoAutoSize = .F. FontSize = 12 Caption = "Interface classes for VFP9" Left = 76 Top = 46 Width = 220 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  myapplogo ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container aboutpage10Width = 357 Height = 211 Name = "aboutpage1" Class10Pixels ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel1 aboutpage1eFontBold = .T. Caption = "Author" Left = 12 Top = 60 _idtranslate = AB03 Name = "Ribbonlabel1"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2 aboutpage1OFontBold = .T. Caption = "eMail" Left = 12 Top = 96 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel3 aboutpage1NFontBold = .T. Caption = "Web" Left = 12 Top = 132 Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel4 aboutpage1VFontBold = .T. Caption = "FoxRibbon V." Left = 12 Top = 24 Name = "Ribbonlabel4" PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() this.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._ClassName + " " + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Version + " " + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Date ENDPROC  ]%U= C1T9 9 9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBON _CLASSNAME_VERSION_DATEInit,11) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel5 aboutpage1@Caption = "Author" Left = 72 Top = 60 Name = "Ribbonlabel5" NPROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() this.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Author ENDPROC  5%rU! CT9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBON_AUTHORInit,1Q1C) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel6 aboutpage1Caption = "FoxRibbon use the class libraries GdiPlusX (System.app)" Left = 12 Top = 176 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = AB04 Name = "Ribbonlabel6" imageimageImage1 aboutpage1fPicture = ..\images\flag_spain16.png Height = 16 Left = 290 Top = 60 Width = 16 Name = "Image1" ribbonlabellink foxribbon.vcxlabelRibbonlabellink1 aboutpage10Left = 72 Top = 96 Name = "Ribbonlabellink1" PROCEDURE Click THISFORM.RunApp("mailto:" + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Email) ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Email ENDPROC V ==%U# Cmailto:9UTHISFORMRUNAPPORIBBON_EMAIL! CT9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBON_EMAILClick,Initv15Q2Je)=ribbonlabellink foxribbon.vcxlabelRibbonlabellink2 aboutpage11Left = 72 Top = 132 Name = "Ribbonlabellink2" PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Site ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click THISFORM.RunApp(_SCREEN.oRibbon._Site) ENDPROC I 005%U! CT9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBON_SITEC9UTHISFORMRUNAPPORIBBON_SITEInit,Clickp1Q2Q2A])0 aboutpage1 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar2*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car2" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car2]Picture = ..\images\car2.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car2 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar1*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car1" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car1]Picture = ..\images\car1.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car1 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar3*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car3" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car3]Picture = ..\images\car3.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car3 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar4*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car4" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car4]Picture = ..\images\car4.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car4 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar5*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car5" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car5]Picture = ..\images\car5.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car5 ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containercar6*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car6" Class2PixelsimageimageImage1car6]Picture = ..\images\car6.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" car6ribbonstartbutton foxribbon.vcx container mystartbuttonRWidth = 526 Height = 496 Name = "mystartbutton" StartPanel._Shape1.Name = "_Shape1" StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" StartPanel._Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" StartPanel._Image1.Name = "_Image1" StartPanel.Shadow.Name = "Shadow" StartPanel._Image2.Top = 276 StartPanel._Image2.Name = "_Image2" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Timer1.Name = "Timer1" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Top = 1 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Left = 138 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Height = 252 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Width = 213 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Name = "ShapeTabs" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Shape2.Name = "Shape2" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Top = 22 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Left = 2 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Width = 356 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Height = 254 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.firsttabclick = _menutabsbutton1 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Name = "_MENUTABS1" StartPanel.Top = 24 StartPanel.Left = 1 StartPanel.Width = 360 StartPanel.Height = 312 StartPanel.Name = "StartPanel" Image2.Height = 38 Image2.Width = 38 Image2.Name = "Image2" Image1.Height = 38 Image1.Width = 38 Image1.Name = "Image1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image3.Picture = ..\images\cubes24.png Image3.Height = 24 Image3.Width = 24 Image3.Name = "Image3" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Class6Pixelsribboncommandbutton foxribbon.vcx containerRibboncommandbutton1mystartbutton.StartPanel7Top = 283 Left = 225 Width = 120 Height = 26 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Picture = defaultimages\close.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Top = 5 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "E\PROCEDURE Click GO BOTTOM THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  %_vnU#6CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1Q23) _sidebargroup foxribbon.vcx container_sidebargroup1scrollcontainer2cTop = 0 Left = -1 Width = 203 Height = 143 Name = "_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Picture = ..\images\cubes16.png _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerribbonbuttonh1scrollcontainer2._sidebargroup1Anchor = 10 Top = 41 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "\= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor ENDPROC  aK%F"U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON FONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEU C.T FontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB FONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawW111!AA31Bl)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh9LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh10propertiespanelTop = 140 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh10" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedTabFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" ;PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedTabFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor ENDPROC  )!%gCU TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDTABFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE` C9TSelectedTabFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDTABFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawb111!AA31Mw0)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh10LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel4propertiespanelFontBold = .T. Caption = "Ribbon, tabs and groups" Left = 280 Top = 28 TabIndex = 14 ZOrderSet = 9 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN03 Name = "Ribbonlabel4"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel2propertiespanelFontBold = .T. Caption = "Backgrounds" Left = 12 Top = 28 TabIndex = 15 ZOrderSet = 9 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN01 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh1propertiespanelTop = 48 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 16 ZOrderSet = 10 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackGround" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackGround = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround ENDPROC  %I%U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKGROUNDTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackGround = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKGROUNDPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawX111!AA33Cm )shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh1LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh2propertiespanelTop = 71 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 17 ZOrderSet = 11 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackColor1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" .PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackColor1 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1 ENDPROC  '%Z4U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKCOLOR1REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackColor1 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKCOLOR1PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawg111!AA31^#)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh2LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh3propertiespanelTop = 94 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 18 ZOrderSet = 12 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackColor2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" .PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackColor2 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2 ENDPROC  '%Z4U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKCOLOR2REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackColor2 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKCOLOR2PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawg111!AA31^#)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh3LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh4propertiespanelTop = 117 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 20 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FormBackColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FormBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor ENDPROC  ~%R.U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON FORMBACKCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEY C2TFormBackColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB FORMBACKCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw[111!AA3!1Fp)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh4LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh12propertiespanelTop = 140 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 19 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh12" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "ShadowColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "ShadowColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor ENDPROC  %L(U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON SHADOWCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEW C0TShadowColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB SHADOWCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawY111!AA31Dn )shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh12LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel7propertiespanelFontBold = .T. Caption = "In editing controls" Left = 12 Top = 316 TabIndex = 23 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN05 Name = "Ribbonlabel7"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel3propertiespanelFontBold = .T. Caption = "Buttons" Left = 12 Top = 191 TabIndex = 22 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN02 Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel9propertiespanelFontBold = .T. Caption = "Others" Left = 280 Top = 191 TabIndex = 21 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN04 Name = "Ribbonlabel9"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh15propertiespanelTop = 336 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 28 ZOrderSet = 18 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh15" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditBackColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" )PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor ENDPROC   %X4U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITBACKCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TInEditBackColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITBACKCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw]111!AA3A2Hr)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh15LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh16propertiespanelTop = 359 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 29 ZOrderSet = 19 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh16" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditBackDisable" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" JPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditBackDisable = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable ENDPROC  %oIU TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITBACKDISABLEREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE] C6TInEditBackDisable = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITBACKDISABLEPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawn111!AA3a1e?)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh16LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh17propertiespanelTop = 382 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 30 ZOrderSet = 20 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh17" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditForeColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" BPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditForeColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor ENDPROC  %iCU TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFORECOLORREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TInEditForeColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFORECOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawl111!AA3A1c7)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh17LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh19propertiespanelTop = 428 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 32 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh19" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditFrameColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" +PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditFrameColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor ENDPROC  ±% [7U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFRAMECOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE\ C5TInEditFrameColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFRAMECOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw^111!AA3Q1Is )shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh19LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh18propertiespanelTop = 405 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 31 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh18" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditForeDisable" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" /PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditForeDisable = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable ENDPROC  {%^:U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFOREDISABLETHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE] C6TInEditForeDisable = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFOREDISABLEPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw_111!AA3a1Jt$)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh18LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh5propertiespanelTop = 211 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 24 ZOrderSet = 18 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh5" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "ButtonFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" )PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "ButtonFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor ENDPROC   %X4U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONBUTTONFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TButtonFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBBUTTONFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw]111!AA3A2Hr)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh5LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh6propertiespanelTop = 234 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 25 ZOrderSet = 19 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh6" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedColor1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" >PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedColor1 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1 ENDPROC  %f@U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDCOLOR1REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEZ C3TSelectedColor1 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDCOLOR1PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawk111!AA311b3)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh6LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh7propertiespanelTop = 257 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 26 ZOrderSet = 20 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh7" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedColor2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" >PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedColor2 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2 ENDPROC  %f@U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDCOLOR2REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEZ C3TSelectedColor2 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDCOLOR2PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawk111!AA311b3)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh7LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh8propertiespanelTop = 280 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 27 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh8" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedButtonFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" GPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedButtonFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor ENDPROC  % pLU TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEc C<TSelectedButtonFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawe111!AA31Pz<)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh8LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh11propertiespanelTop = 163 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 33 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh11" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "LinesColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "LinesColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor ENDPROC  %I%U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON LINESCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T LinesColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB LINESCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawX111!AA31Cm)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh11LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel5propertiespanelaFontSize = 8 Caption = "cFontName" Left = 311 Top = 51 TabIndex = 34 Name = "Ribbonlabel5" ribboncommandbutton foxribbon.vcx containerRibboncommandbutton1propertiespanel!Top = 428 Left = 422 Width = 108 Height = 22 TabIndex = 35 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Close" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 102 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = OTH004 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" [PROCEDURE Click THIS.PARENT.VISIBLE = .F. *THISFORM._Carousel1.VISIBLE = .T. ENDPROC  k%[pjUT-UTHISPARENTVISIBLEClick,13P) ribboncheck foxribbon.vcxcheckbox Ribboncheck1propertiespanelTop = 211 Left = 288 Alignment = 0 Caption = " AutoTabClick" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick" TabIndex = 3 Name = "Ribboncheck1" PROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_AutoTabClick THISFORM.Old_AutoTabClick = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC @ ''4f%UOC%HTCaUTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWTHISVALUEOLD_AUTOTABCLICKCHANGEValid,1q1A2)' ribboncheck foxribbon.vcxcheckbox Ribboncheck2propertiespanelTop = 280 Left = 288 Height = 22 Width = 111 Alignment = 0 Caption = " SeeOutLineGroup" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutlineGroup" TabIndex = 6 Name = "Ribboncheck2" PROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_SeeOutLineGroup THISFORM.Old_SeeOutLineGroup = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC C **G%UOC%HTCaUTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWTHISVALUEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPCHANGEValid,1q1A1)* ribboncombo foxribbon.vcxcomboboxxFontpropertiespanelControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName" Height = 22 Left = 386 Style = 2 TabIndex = 10 Top = 46 Width = 144 BoundTo = .T. Name = "xFont" PROCEDURE Valid IF THIS.VALUE == THISFORM.Old_cFontName *-- SET EXACT ELSE THISFORM.Old_cFontName = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF THISFORM.ribbon1.ReDraw() KEYBOARD '{TAB}' ENDPROC W >>J% Ue%@TCaC\{TAB}UTHISVALUETHISFORM OLD_CFONTNAMECHANGERIBBON1REDRAWValid,1q1A5)> ribbonspinner foxribbon.vcxspinnerRIBBONSPINNER1propertiespanelHeight = 22 KeyboardHighValue = 5 KeyboardLowValue = 1 Left = 380 SpinnerHighValue = 5.00 SpinnerLowValue = 1.00 TabIndex = 7 Top = 303 Width = 36 ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.nTheme" Name = "RIBBONSPINNER1" PROCEDURE InteractiveChange _SCREEN.oRibbon.nTheme = THIS.VALUE _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC ? &&u%UET9C9CCaUORIBBONNTHEMETHISVALUEREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1CHANGEInteractiveChange,1Q2)& ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel6propertiespanelaFontSize = 8 Caption = "nTheme =" Left = 288 Top = 306 TabIndex = 36 Name = "Ribbonlabel6"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel8propertiespanelkFontSize = 8 Caption = "nFactorBackColor = " Left = 45 Top = 166 TabIndex = 37 Name = "Ribbonlabel8"  ribboncombo foxribbon.vcxcombobox Ribboncombo1propertiespanelRowSourceType = 1 RowSource = "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.nFactorBackColor" Left = 146 TabIndex = 1 Top = 163 Width = 49 BoundTo = .T. Name = "Ribboncombo1" |PROCEDURE Valid _SCREEN.oRibbon.nFactorBackColor = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC , S%U6T9CCaUORIBBONNFACTORBACKCOLORTHISVALUETHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWCHANGEValid,1Q2q) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel10propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 12 Top = 32 TabIndex = 38 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel10" CPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q28) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel11propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 32 TabIndex = 2 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel11" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel12propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 12 Top = 195 TabIndex = 39 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel12" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel13propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 195 TabIndex = 40 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel13" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh13propertiespanelTop = 117 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 41 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh13" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "TabFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "TabFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor ENDPROC  wJ%O+U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON TABFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEX C1TTabFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB TABFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawZ111!AA31Eo)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh13LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh14propertiespanelTop = 94 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 42 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh14" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FontColorAlternate" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 3PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FontColorAlternate = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate ENDPROC  D%a=U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONFONTCOLORALTERNATETHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE^ C7TFontColorAlternate = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBFONTCOLORALTERNATEPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw`111!AA3q1Ku()shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh14LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribboncheck foxribbon.vcxcheckbox Ribboncheck3propertiespanelTop = 234 Left = 288 Height = 22 Width = 126 Alignment = 0 Caption = " ShowAnimationPage" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.ShowAnimationPage" TabIndex = 4 Name = "Ribboncheck3" PROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_ShowAnimationPage THISFORM.Old_ShowAnimationPage = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC E ,,5%UOC%HTCaUTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWTHISVALUEOLD_SHOWANIMATIONPAGECHANGEValid,1q1A2), ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel14propertiespanellFontSize = 8 Caption = "AnimationFaster = " Left = 288 Top = 260 TabIndex = 43 Name = "Ribbonlabel14"  ribbonspinner foxribbon.vcxspinnerRibbonspinner2propertiespanelHeight = 22 KeyboardHighValue = 9 KeyboardLowValue = 1 Left = 380 SpinnerHighValue = 9.00 SpinnerLowValue = 1.00 TabIndex = 5 Top = 257 Width = 36 ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.AnimationFaster" Name = "Ribbonspinner2" lPROCEDURE InteractiveChange _SCREEN.oRibbon.AnimationFaster = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC  %U&T9CaUORIBBONANIMATIONFASTERTHISVALUETHISFORMCHANGEInteractiveChange,1Q2a) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel15propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Height = 17 Left = 12 Top = 320 Width = 254 TabIndex = 44 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel15" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) ribbontextbox foxribbon.vcxtextboxRibbontextbox1propertiespanelkValue = FoxRibbon Height = 22 Left = 382 TabIndex = 9 Top = 393 Width = 148 Name = "Ribbontextbox1"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel16propertiespanelwFontSize = 8 Caption = "Sample" Left = 288 Top = 395 TabIndex = 45 _idtranslate = OTH012 Name = "Ribbonlabel16"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel Ribbonlabel17propertiespanelCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 320 TabIndex = 46 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel17" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) ribboncheck foxribbon.vcxcheckbox Ribboncheck4propertiespaneltTop = 396 Left = 364 AutoSize = .T. Alignment = 0 Caption = "" Value = 1 TabIndex = 8 Name = "Ribboncheck4" PPROCEDURE Valid THIS.PARENT.RibbonTextBox1.ThisEnabled(THIS.VALUE) ENDPROC  F:%~UCUTHISPARENTRIBBONTEXTBOX1 THISENABLEDVALUEValid,12E) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh20propertiespanelTop = 336 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh20" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "RowBackColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "RowBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor ENDPROC  wJ%O+U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON ROWBACKCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEX C1TRowBackColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB ROWBACKCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawZ111!AA31Eo)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh20LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh21propertiespanelTop = 359 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 33 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh21" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "RowFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "RowFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor ENDPROC  wJ%O+U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON ROWFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEX C1TRowFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB ROWFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawZ111!AA31Eo)shapeshape_Shapepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh21LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanelBArial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0 _scrollcontainer foxribbon.vcx containerscrollcontainer1kWidth = 424 Height = 920 _title = Side bar title _titleidtranslate = SB0001 Name = "scrollcontainer1" Class36Pixels _sidebargroup foxribbon.vcx container_sidebargroup1scrollcontainer1bTop = 0 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 143 Name = "_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Picture = ..\images\cubes16.png _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1"  ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerribbonbuttonh1scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup1Anchor = 10 Top = 41 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "\PROCEDURE Click GO BOTTOM THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  %_vnU#6CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1Q23)ribboncommandbutton foxribbon.vcx containerRibboncommandbutton5 scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2#Top = 136 Left = 71 Width = 60 Height = 22 TabIndex = 6 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton5" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.FontBold = .F. Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Browse" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 54 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 0PROCEDURE Click DO FORM Forms\Browse ENDPROC  %Nc]U Forms\BrowseUFORMSClick,1A1%)scrollcontainer1BArial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0  ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx container designertab?Width = 850 Height = 92 ZOrderSet = 6 Name = "designertab" 9PROCEDURE savechanges LOCAL lcMessageTitle, lcMessageText, lnAnswer, lcButtons IF THISFORM.lChange lcMessageTitle = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OTH002", "Warning") lcMessageText = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("MFQUESTION1", "The style has changed. Save changes?") lcButtons = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OTH007", "\\.jpg'()&U*TLNAME LCFILEINILNWIDTHLNHEIGHT LOSRCIMAGE LOTHUMBNAILLCSKIP PCFOLDERSTYLETHISPARENTPUTFILEXORIBBONFILEINI _CLASSNAME_VERSION_DATE_AUTHOR_EMAILSETTINGSTHISFORMREFRESHHEIGHTWIDTH AUTOCENTERCHANGE OLD_CFONTNAME CFONTNAMEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPSEEOUTLINEGROUPOLD_AUTOTABCLICK AUTOTABCLICKSYSTEMDRAWINGBITMAPNEW FROMSCREENHWNDGETTHUMBNAILIMAGESAVEIMAGING IMAGEFORMATJPEGClick,1qARA!AA!!111A"ABA3L) ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerdefaultdesignertab.Ribbongroup1_Top = 3 Left = 4 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 cancel = .F. disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon_v_0_14\images\disa_document_into32.png helptitle = Default style helptxt = Set default values to the style helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT1 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT1H2 border = .F. lcurvature = .T. swapcolors = .F. Name = "default" Image1.Picture = ..\images\document_into32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Default style" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT1 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Fx" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" >PROCEDURE Click IF !EMPTY(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) IF ! THIS.PARENT.PARENT.SaveChanges() RETURN ENDIF ENDIF WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon .nTheme = 1 .nFactorBackColor = 50 .BackGround = RGB(149,194,255) .Backcolor1 = RGB(234,242,253) .Backcolor2 = RGB(191,219,255) .FormBackColor = RGB(255,255,255) .ShadowColor = RGB(180,180,180) .FontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .FontColorAlternate = RGB(0,0,0) .TabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedTabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .LinesColor = RGB(141,178,227) .cFontName = 'Arial' .SeeOutlineGroup = .T. .ButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedColor1 = RGB(255,253,222) .SelectedColor2 = RGB(255,215,80) .SelectedButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .AutoTabClick = .F. .ShowAnimationPage = .F. .AnimationFaster = 5 .InEditBackColor = RGB(255,238,194) .InEditBackDisable = RGB(240,240,240) .InEditForeColor = RGB(0,0,0) .InEditForeDisable = RGB(128,128,128) .InEditFrameColor = RGB(255,0,0) .RowBackColor = RGB(0,64,128) .RowFontColor = RGB(255,255,255) .FileIni = "" .Settings() .ReDraw() WITH THISFORM .Ribbon1.Redraw() .CHANGE(.F.) .REFRESH() .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutlineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH ENDWITH ENDPROC w ^^v%0U&%C9 5%C 1B9TT2TC^TC^T C^T C^T C^T CB^T C^TCB^TCB^TC^TArial TaTCB^TC^TCP^TCB^ T- T-TTC^TC^TC^TC^TC^TC@^T C^T C! C" #C$" C-% C&T'9T(9T)9U*ORIBBONFILEINITHISPARENT SAVECHANGESNTHEMENFACTORBACKCOLOR BACKGROUND BACKCOLOR1 BACKCOLOR2 FORMBACKCOLOR SHADOWCOLOR FONTCOLORFONTCOLORALTERNATE TABFONTCOLORSELECTEDTABFONTCOLOR LINESCOLOR CFONTNAMESEEOUTLINEGROUPBUTTONFONTCOLORSELECTEDCOLOR1SELECTEDCOLOR2SELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLOR AUTOTABCLICKSHOWANIMATIONPAGEANIMATIONFASTERINEDITBACKCOLORINEDITBACKDISABLEINEDITFORECOLORINEDITFOREDISABLEINEDITFRAMECOLOR ROWBACKCOLOR ROWFONTCOLORSETTINGSREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1CHANGEREFRESH OLD_CFONTNAMEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPOLD_AUTOTABCLICKClick,1QAAAqqqqqqqqqq1qqqqqqqqqqq111AA33)^ ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx container Propertiesdesignertab.Ribbongroup1oTop = 3 Left = 73 Height = 66 TabIndex = 2 disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon\images\Disa_floppy_red.png helptitle = Style properties helptxt = Open the properties panel to change panelclass = PropertiesPanel helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT2 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT2H2 nmenuleft = 170 nmenutop = 35 Name = "Properties" Image1.Picture = ..\images\cubes32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Style properties" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT2 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 51 Marlett.Top = 27 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Command1.MouseDown LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord DODEFAULT(nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord) THISFORM.RESIZE() ENDPROC ) "g%U<C CUNBUTTONNSHIFTNXCOORDNYCOORDTHISFORMRESIZECommand1.MouseDown,112)ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonseparator1designertab.Ribbongroup1Top = 0 Left = 139 TabIndex = 10 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv1designertab.Ribbongroup1zTop = 3 Left = 368 TabIndex = 7 path_form_menu = Forms\seecode helptitle = See code helptxt = See code and copy the properties helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT6 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT6H2 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = ..\images\code_colored32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "See code" Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT6 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 27 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonseparator2designertab.Ribbongroup1Top = 0 Left = 365 TabIndex = 11 Name = "Ribbonseparator2" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx container selectstyledesignertab.Ribbongroup1{Top = 3 Left = 208 Width = 19 Height = 66 TabIndex = 4 path_form_menu = forms\selectstyle Name = "selectstyle" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 53 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT3 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Left = 49 Ribbonlabel2.Top = 1 Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 4 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonseparator3designertab.Ribbongroup1Top = 0 Left = 227 TabIndex = 12 Name = "Ribbonseparator3" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" ribbon_groupseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbon_groupseparator1 designertabTop = 0 Left = 440 TabIndex = 3 Name = "Ribbon_groupseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  ribbongroup foxribbon.vcx container Ribbongroup2 designertabTop = 2 Left = 443 Width = 74 Height = 88 TabIndex = 2 Name = "Ribbongroup2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 71 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 72 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 2 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Visible = .F. Ribbonbuttongroup1.TabIndex = 3 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv2designertab.Ribbongroup2Top = 3 Left = 4 TabIndex = 1 path_form_menu = forms\about helptxt = FoxRibbon about helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT7H2 helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT7 helptitle = About Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = ..\images\about32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 7 Image1.Top = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "About" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 60 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 43 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 20 Ribbonlabel1.Rotation = 90 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT7 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 27 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" ribbon_groupseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbon_groupseparator2 designertabTop = 0 Left = 517 TabIndex = 4 Name = "Ribbon_groupseparator2" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  designertab!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx containerprueba,Width = 480 Height = 125 Name = "prueba" Class8Pixels ribbongroup foxribbon.vcx container Ribbongroup1pruebaTop = 2 Left = 2 Width = 290 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1" ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonseparator1prueba.Ribbongroup1Top = 1 Left = 147 Width = 3 Height = 72 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerribbonbuttonv1prueba.Ribbongroup1Top = 3 Left = 152 TabIndex = 1 Name = "ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = ..\..\ Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = -34 Image1.Top = 21 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "_SideBar class" ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" wPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.RibbonLabel3.Redraw() ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click DO FORM forms\SideBar ENDPROC ( .%U CCUTHIS RIBBONLABEL3REDRAW forms\SideBarUFORMSredraw,Clickh13Q1;Wl) ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxlabel ribbonlabel3"prueba.Ribbongroup1.ribbonbuttonv1FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Alignment = 2 Caption = "NEW" Height = 25 Left = 11 Top = 11 Width = 45 Rotation = 0 Name = "ribbonlabel3"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerdefaultprueba.Ribbongroup1aTop = 3 Left = 220 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 cancel = .F. disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon_v_0_14\images\disa_document_into32.png helptitle = Default style helptxt = Set default values to the style helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT1 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT1H2 border = .F. lcurvature = .T. swapcolors = .F. Name = "default" Image1.Picture = ..\images\document_into32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Default style" ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT1 ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Fx" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" >PROCEDURE Click IF !EMPTY(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) IF ! THIS.PARENT.PARENT.SaveChanges() RETURN ENDIF ENDIF WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon .nTheme = 1 .nFactorBackColor = 50 .BackGround = RGB(149,194,255) .Backcolor1 = RGB(234,242,253) .Backcolor2 = RGB(191,219,255) .FormBackColor = RGB(255,255,255) .ShadowColor = RGB(180,180,180) .FontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .FontColorAlternate = RGB(0,0,0) .TabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedTabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .LinesColor = RGB(141,178,227) .cFontName = 'Arial' .SeeOutlineGroup = .T. .ButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedColor1 = RGB(255,253,222) .SelectedColor2 = RGB(255,215,80) .SelectedButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .AutoTabClick = .F. .ShowAnimationPage = .F. .AnimationFaster = 5 .InEditBackColor = RGB(255,238,194) .InEditBackDisable = RGB(240,240,240) .InEditForeColor = RGB(0,0,0) .InEditForeDisable = RGB(128,128,128) .InEditFrameColor = RGB(255,0,0) .RowBackColor = RGB(0,64,128) .RowFontColor = RGB(255,255,255) .FileIni = "" .Settings() .ReDraw() WITH THISFORM .Ribbon1.Redraw() .CHANGE(.F.) .REFRESH() .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutlineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH ENDWITH ENDPROC w ^^v%0U&%C9 5%C 1B9TT2TC^TC^T C^T C^T C^T CB^T C^TCB^TCB^TC^TArial TaTCB^TC^TCP^TCB^ T- T-TTC^TC^TC^TC^TC^TC@^T C^T C! C" #C$" C-% C&T'9T(9T)9U*ORIBBONFILEINITHISPARENT SAVECHANGESNTHEMENFACTORBACKCOLOR BACKGROUND BACKCOLOR1 BACKCOLOR2 FORMBACKCOLOR SHADOWCOLOR FONTCOLORFONTCOLORALTERNATE TABFONTCOLORSELECTEDTABFONTCOLOR LINESCOLOR CFONTNAMESEEOUTLINEGROUPBUTTONFONTCOLORSELECTEDCOLOR1SELECTEDCOLOR2SELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLOR AUTOTABCLICKSHOWANIMATIONPAGEANIMATIONFASTERINEDITBACKCOLORINEDITBACKDISABLEINEDITFORECOLORINEDITFOREDISABLEINEDITFRAMECOLOR ROWBACKCOLOR ROWFONTCOLORSETTINGSREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1CHANGEREFRESH OLD_CFONTNAMEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPOLD_AUTOTABCLICKClick,1QAAAqqqqqqqqqq1qqqqqqqqqqq111AA33)^ ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonh1pruebaMTop = 6 Left = 75 Width = 72 Height = 24 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv1pruebaTop = 5 Left = 6 Width = 66 Height = 66 helptxt = Esto es una prueba helptitle = Oscar Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = defaultimages\clock_run32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" )PROCEDURE Click do form tempo ENDPROC  k%G\VU tempoUTEMPOClick,11)prueba!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  _titlebar foxribbon.vcx container mytitlebarName = "mytitlebar" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Name = "Buttonmin" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Name = "buttonmax" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Name = "buttonclose" Controlbuttons.TabIndex = 6 Controlbuttons.Name = "Controlbuttons" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 180 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 321 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 8 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Command1.TabIndex = 7 Command1.Name = "Command1" PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() WITH THIS .DEFAULT.ZORDER(0) .PROPERTIES.ZORDER(0) .OPEN.ZORDER(0) .SAVE.ZORDER(0) .SAVEAS.ZORDER(0) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Click KEYBOARD '{ALT+F4}' ENDPROC  %A )Ur C kCCCCCUTHISDEFAULTZORDER PROPERTIESOPENSAVESAVEAS\{ALT+F4}UInit, Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Click1A31 )Class7Pixels ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containerdefault mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 52 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 1 Name = "default" Image1.Picture = ..\images\document_into16.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" UPROCEDURE Click THISFORM.Ribbon1.DesignerTab.RibbonGroup1.Default.CLICK() ENDPROC  %UCUTHISFORMRIBBON1 DESIGNERTAB RIBBONGROUP1DEFAULTCLICKClick,11J) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containeropen mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 104 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 3 Name = "open" Image1.Picture = ..\images\floder16.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" RPROCEDURE Click THISFORM.Ribbon1.DesignerTab.RibbonGroup1.Open.CLICK() ENDPROC  %UCUTHISFORMRIBBON1 DESIGNERTAB RIBBONGROUP1OPENCLICKClick,11G) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containersave mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 129 Width = 24 Height = 24 Enabled = .F. TabIndex = 4 disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon\images\disa_floppy_red16.png Name = "save" Image1.Picture = ..\images\floppy_red16.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" RPROCEDURE Click THISFORM.Ribbon1.DesignerTab.RibbonGroup1.Save.CLICK() ENDPROC  %UCUTHISFORMRIBBON1 DESIGNERTAB RIBBONGROUP1SAVECLICKClick,11G) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx containersaveas mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 154 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 5 disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon\images\disa_save_as16.png Name = "saveas" Image1.Picture = ..\images\save_as16.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" TPROCEDURE Click THISFORM.Ribbon1.DesignerTab.RibbonGroup1.SaveAs.CLICK() ENDPROC  %UCUTHISFORMRIBBON1 DESIGNERTAB RIBBONGROUP1SAVEASCLICKClick,11I) ribbonbuttonh foxribbon.vcx container properties mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 77 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 2 Name = "properties" Image1.Picture = ..\images\cubes16.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click WITH THISFORM .PropertiesPanel.TOP = 174 .PropertiesPanel.LEFT = 74 .PropertiesPanel.VISIBLE = IIF(.PropertiesPanel.VISIBLE, .F., .T.) * THISFORM._Carousel1.VISIBLE = IIF(.PropertiesPanel.VISIBLE, .F., .T.) ENDWITH ENDPROC 3 %UU NTTJTC-a6UTHISFORMPROPERTIESPANELTOPLEFTVISIBLEClick,1B2)ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonseparator1 mytitlebarTop = 1 Left = 101 Height = 26 TabIndex = 9 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  mytitlebar!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  ribbonpage!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerpanel1+Width = 342 Height = 91 Name = "panel1" Class4Pixels ribbongroup!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx container Ribbongroup1panel1'Top = 1 Left = 1 Width = 142 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "General" ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1"  ribbonbuttonv!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv1panel1.Ribbongroup1Top = 3 Left = 3 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\empresa.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Abrir Empresa" ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  ribbonbuttonv!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv2panel1.Ribbongroup1Top = 3 Left = 72 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = images\cerrar.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Cerrar Sistema" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" (PROCEDURE Click clear events ENDPROC  $%8MGUUClick,1Q1)panel1!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  ribbonpage!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerpanel2+Width = 342 Height = 91 Name = "panel2" Class4Pixels ribbongroup!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx container Ribbongroup1panel2'Top = 1 Left = 1 Width = 227 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "General" ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1"  ribbonbuttonv!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv1panel2.Ribbongroup1Top = 3 Left = 3 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\asiento.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Registros" ribbonlabel1.Name = "ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 2PROCEDURE Click do form forms\procasie ENDPROC  %Pe_Uforms\procasieUFORMSClick,1a1') ribbonbuttonv!..\..\..\prueba\vcx\foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonbuttonv2panel2.Ribbongroup1Top = 3 Left = 72 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = images\cerrar.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Tipos" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lcFileIni lcFileIni = ADDBS(FULLPATH("")) + pcFolderStyle + "\" + "SILVER.INI" IF ISNULL(_SCREEN.oRibbon.ReadFileIni(lcFileIni,"RIBBON",".Backcolor1")) MESSAGEBOX(_SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OPEFIL06", "The file does not exist or is not formatted FoxRibbon") ; , 48, _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OTH002", "Warning")) RETURN ENDIF WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon .FileIni = lcFileIni .Settings() .ReDraw() ENDWITH WITH MAIN .Ribbon1.ReDraw() .CHANGE(.F.) .REFRESH() .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutLineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH THISFORM.RELEASE() ENDPROC H //V%U)TCC\ SILVER.INI0%CCRIBBON .Backcolor19tCCOPEFIL065The file does not exist or is not formatted FoxRibbon90COTH002Warning9xB9T C C ~C  C- C T 9 T9T9 CU LCFILEINI PCFOLDERSTYLEORIBBON READFILEINI TRANSLATEFILEINISETTINGSREDRAWMAINRIBBON1CHANGEREFRESH OLD_CFONTNAME CFONTNAMEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPSEEOUTLINEGROUPOLD_AUTOTABCLICK AUTOTABCLICKTHISFORMRELEASEClick,1qBAAA111A1)/panel2!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0