4VERSION = 3.00BArial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0 propertiespanelPixelsClass70_panelpropertiespanel!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  mystartbuttonPixelsClass6ribbonstartbutton mystartbutton container36!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 page1Pixels2245#mystartbutton.StartPanel._MENUTABS1_menutabsbutton4 foxribbon.vcx_menutabsbutton#mystartbutton.StartPanel._MENUTABS1_menutabsbutton3 containerBArial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0 Pixels2propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh21_Shapeshape593Class foxribbon.vcx_menutabsbutton#mystartbutton.StartPanel._MENUTABS1_menutabsbutton2 container foxribbon.vcx_menutabsbuttonClassshapepropertiespanelRibbonbuttonh21 containercar54label foxribbon.vcx6page4page2PixelsClass3 ribbonpagepage2page2Ribbonmenuseparator1page3PixelsClass3 ribbonbuttonhlabelLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh20_Shapeshape16PixelsClassMHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" line foxribbon.vcxribbonmenuseparator13shapepropertiespanel2page1Ribbonbuttonh20 container ribbonpagezPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC 616panel4label myapplogoPixelspage4label#mystartbutton.StartPanel._MENUTABS1_menutabsbutton1 container foxribbon.vcx_menutabsbutton!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 panel1PixelsClass14 ribbonpagepanel1panel1.Ribbongroup2panel16page1mystartbutton.StartPanelClass _container myapplogo myapplogo Ribbonlabel3label foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel myapplogo container Ribbonlabel2label foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhpropertiespanel aboutpage1PixelsClass10 Ribboncheck42textboxpage2 ribbonpage ribbonpagepage4line aboutpage3Ribbonbuttonv8 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel1.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv7page1panel6car2car3 whathistabcheckboxPixels foxribbon.vcx container2car5!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 PixelsLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" PPROCEDURE Valid THIS.PARENT.RibbonTextBox1.ThisEnabled(THIS.VALUE) ENDPROC Ribbonmenuseparator1Timescrollcontainer1_scrollcontainerscrollcontainer10PROCEDURE Click DO FORM Forms\Browse ENDPROC  scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2Ribboncommandbutton5car1 foxribbon.vcx ribboncheckpropertiespanelcar1labellineClass Ribbonlabel17 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelpropertiespanel containercar2Image1 Ribbonlabel16 ribbonlabel ribbonpage whathistab9PROCEDURE Click DO form forms\Test_MessageBox ENDPROC  whathistabRibboncommandbutton2car4 foxribbon.vcxtextboxpage4propertiespaneltextbox Ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcx24Ribbontextbox1 foxribbon.vcx container foxribbon.vcxribboncommandbutton whathistab2label ribbontextboxClass foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel Ribbonlabel15 mystatusbarPixels _statusbar mystatusbar mystatusbar containertTop = 396 Left = 364 AutoSize = .T. Alignment = 0 Caption = "" Value = 1 TabIndex = 8 Name = "Ribboncheck4" APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC labelRibbonbuttonh9 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh10 container foxribbon.vcxpage110car4Pixels examplestabwFontSize = 8 Caption = "Sample" Left = 288 Top = 395 TabIndex = 45 _idtranslate = OTH012 Name = "Ribbonlabel16" propertiespanel foxribbon.vcx20!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0  mytitlebarPixelsClassRibboncommandbutton1 container foxribbon.vcx2 Ribbonlabel3 foxribbon.vcxMHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" ribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel container!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 PixelsClass10 ribbonpagepanel4panel4.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv3panel48 container3 _titlebarAPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxClasspropertiespanelRibbonspinner2lineribboncommandbutton>PROCEDURE Click GO BOTTOM THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2Ribboncommandbutton4 containerpage1car6spinner foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonspinner _progressbar1 foxribbon.vcx _progressbar~Top = 0 Left = 45 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonseparator2" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3"  mystatusbarpropertiespanel container Ribbonlabel14labelRibbonseparator2 container foxribbon.vcx mystatusbarkValue = FoxRibbon Height = 22 Left = 382 TabIndex = 9 Top = 393 Width = 148 Name = "Ribbontextbox1"  ribbonlabelImage1 foxribbon.vcxpropertiespanelcheckboxPixelslPROCEDURE InteractiveChange _SCREEN.oRibbon.AnimationFaster = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC  Ribboncheck3 foxribbon.vcx ribbonpage aboutpage11Left = 72 Top = 132 Name = "Ribbonlabellink2" label ribboncheckribboncommandbutton scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup21PROCEDURE Click KEYBOARD '{ALT+F4}' ENDPROC Ribboncommandbutton1 foxribbon.vcxribboncommandbutton container foxribbon.vcx container7+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page4" Ribboncommandbutton3LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" _Shapeshape foxribbon.vcxpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh14AutoSize = .F. FontSize = 12 Caption = "Interface classes for VFP9" Left = 76 Top = 46 Width = 220 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelshapeshape;PROCEDURE Click GO TOP THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC ribboncommandbutton scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2Ribboncommandbutton2 foxribbon.vcxshaperibboncommandbuttonribboncommandbutton1propertiespanellabelribbonseparatorRibbonseparator1 container foxribbon.vcxribbonseparator mystatusbarTimer1timercar5Caption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 320 TabIndex = 46 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel17" timer containerRibbonbuttonh14 containercar1BArial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0 PixelsClass ribbonpage examplestab examplestab container foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx!Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0  ribbonbuttonh_Shape container scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2Timer1propertiespaneliPicture = defaultimages\logofoxribbon.png Height = 64 Left = 2 Top = -2 Width = 64 Name = "Image1"  myapplogoImage1imageClassRibbonbuttonh13 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel1.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv6 containercar3 ribbonbuttonvruccar3panel4 containerlistboximage mytitlebar mytitlebarRibbonseparator1Pixelspropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh13 foxribbon.vcx!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 panel2PixelsClass6 ribbonpagepanel2panel2.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv5 containerpage1page3page3ribboncommandbuttontextboxlabel ribbonlabellFontSize = 8 Caption = "AnimationFaster = " Left = 288 Top = 260 TabIndex = 43 Name = "Ribbonlabel14" LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" car6 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel1.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv5 containerClasspanel4.Ribbongroup19 ribbonbuttonh ribbonlabel containerPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_ccp name (pnomform) with 1,"I" ENDPROC Ribbonbuttonv2Image2mesClasslabelRibbonmenuseparator1 foxribbon.vcx Ribbonlabel1APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC propertiespanellabel container foxribbon.vcxXPROCEDURE Click SKIP 1 IF EOF() GO BOTTOM ENDIF THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2 ribbonlabelVPROCEDURE Click SKIP -1 IF BOF() GO TOP ENDIF THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  Ribbonlabel3 foxribbon.vcxcar6save Ribbonlabel13 ribbonlabel container foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxlabel mystatusbarQCaption = "Country" Left = 14 Top = 107 TabIndex = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel3" timercombobox scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2 Ribbonlabel2labelOCaption = "Company" Left = 3 Top = 75 TabIndex = 11 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2car2propertiespanelKCaption = "Id" Left = 46 Top = 43 TabIndex = 10 Name = "ribbonlabel1"  ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2Ribbontextbox3timerImage1 Ribbonlabel12_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 4" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Anchor = 10 ControlSource = "customers.country" Height = 22 Left = 62 TabIndex = 3 Top = 104 Width = 137 Name = "Ribbontextbox3"  foxribbon.vcx ribbontextboxlabelimage foxribbon.vcxpropertiespanellabel Ribbonlabel11 ribbonlabel scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2labelimage foxribbon.vcxlabelAnchor = 10 ControlSource = "customers.companyname" Height = 22 Left = 62 TabIndex = 2 Top = 72 Width = 137 Name = "Ribbontextbox2" Ribbontextbox2imageClassimagepropertiespanel Ribbonlabel10Top = 1 Left = 101 Height = 26 TabIndex = 9 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" ribbonseparator foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxImage3APROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC propertiespanel Ribboncombo1 ribboncombo ribbontextbox}ControlSource = "customers.customerid" Height = 22 Left = 62 TabIndex = 1 Top = 40 Width = 61 Name = "ribbontextbox1"  scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup2 foxribbon.vcxxFontimage ribbontextboxlabel foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxribbontextbox1scrollcontainer1o_sidebargroup2 _sidebargroup^Picture = ..\images\car6.jpg Height = 143 Left = 6 Top = 35 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" label ribbonpage mytitlebarscrollcontainer1propertiespanel Ribbonlabel8 containerAPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxCPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.FONTNAME = "Arial" ENDPROC  ribbonlabelpropertiespanel scrollcontainer1.o_sidebargroup1 container Ribbonlabel6 foxribbon.vcxo_sidebargroup1 _sidebargroupscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup4Ribbonbuttonh4 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup4 containerRibbonbuttonh3 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh2kFontSize = 8 Caption = "nFactorBackColor = " Left = 45 Top = 166 TabIndex = 37 Name = "Ribbonlabel8" scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup4 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup4ribbonbuttonh1 containeropen container myapplogo foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer1_sidebargroup4 containercheckbox ribbonlabelpropertiespanelRIBBONSPINNER1spinner%PROCEDURE Click oCal.Show ENDPROC  propertiesPixels foxribbon.vcx _sidebargroupBCaption = "ThisForm" Left = 13 Top = 38 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  Ribbonlabel2 foxribbon.vcxcombobox aboutpage3 foxribbon.vcx ribbonspinnerpropertiespanel foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribboncomboscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup3 ribbonlabelscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup3 Ribboncheck6 foxribbon.vcx ribboncheckcar4 aboutpage3 Ribboncheck5Pixelspropertiespanelscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup3checkbox foxribbon.vcx ribboncheck Ribboncheck4 Ribboncheck2checkbox foxribbon.vcx ribboncheckcheckboxscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup3Pixelspropertiespanel Ribboncheck1 foxribbon.vcx_Shape aboutpage1 whathistablabel ribboncheckpropertiespanelRibboncommandbutton1shapeAnchor = 8 Top = 0 Left = 522 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Site ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click THISFORM.RunApp(_SCREEN.oRibbon._Site) ENDPROC Ribbonlabellink2 foxribbon.vcxribbonlabellinkImage1 containerPixels containerlabel foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxribboncommandbuttonpropertiespanel Ribbonlabel5image ribbonlabel containerribboncommandbuttonimagecheckboximageimageaFontSize = 8 Caption = "nTheme =" Left = 288 Top = 306 TabIndex = 36 Name = "Ribbonlabel6" shape carousel2Image2label foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh11 container!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 inistartbutton containerinistartbutton^Top = 72 Left = -48 Height = 38 Width = 38 BackStyle = 0 Curvature = 0 Name = "Shape1"  foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel4.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1Class foxribbon.vcx ribboncheck0Left = 72 Top = 96 Name = "Ribbonlabellink1"  aboutpage1Ribbonlabellink1 foxribbon.vcx[PROCEDURE Click THIS.PARENT.VISIBLE = .F. *THISFORM._Carousel1.VISIBLE = .T. ENDPROC _Shapeimagescrollcontainer1_sidebargroup3label foxribbon.vcx|PROCEDURE Valid _SCREEN.oRibbon.nFactorBackColor = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC propertiespanelgPROCEDURE Valid THISFORM._Gradient1.SwapColors = THIS.VALUE THISFORM._Gradient1.ReDraw() ENDPROC  ribbonbuttonvshapeimageRibbonbuttonh11mTop = 99 Left = 13 Width = 129 Alignment = 0 Caption = "SwapColors" Value = .F. Name = "Ribboncheck6"  container foxribbon.vcxlabel ribbonpage foxribbon.vcxshape _sidebargroupshape container ribbonbuttonhpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh8 containerRibbonbuttonh6propertiespanel foxribbon.vcxLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonbuttonhLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup2scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup2ClassRibbonbuttonh8 foxribbon.vcxribbonlabellink ribbonbuttonh_Shape aboutpage1imageRibbonlabellink4 containerpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh7imagelabellistboxshapeshapepropertiespanel_Shape foxribbon.vcxlabel aboutpage1 Ribbonlabel6 foxribbon.vcxlabelshape foxribbon.vcx containergPROCEDURE Valid THISFORM._Gradient1.Horizontal = THIS.VALUE THISFORM._Gradient1.ReDraw() ENDPROC ribbonlabellinkscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup2label whathistab Ribbonlabel1label foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel ribbonbuttonh carousel2image ribbonlabelRibbonlabellink3 aboutpage1 Ribbonlabel5 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel aboutpage2shapepage3PROCEDURE InteractiveChange _SCREEN.oRibbon.nTheme = THIS.VALUE _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDPROC  aboutpage1ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName" Height = 22 Left = 386 Style = 2 TabIndex = 10 Top = 46 Width = 144 BoundTo = .T. Name = "xFont"  foxribbon.vcxRibbonlistbox2 foxribbon.vcxribbonlabellink_Shape Ribbonlabel4label foxribbon.vcxdefaultLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" shape foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonh mytitlebar container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel2.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv4 ribbonlabelaFontSize = 8 Caption = "cFontName" Left = 311 Top = 51 TabIndex = 34 Name = "Ribbonlabel5" Ribbonbuttonh7 container aboutpage1 ribbonlistboxRibbonlabellink2label carousel2mTop = 78 Left = 13 Width = 129 Alignment = 0 Caption = "Horizontal" Value = .T. Name = "Ribboncheck5" scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup2Classlabel ribbonbuttonhpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh6propertiespanel containerLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" Ribbonbuttonh6 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhimageshapegPROCEDURE Valid THISFORM._Gradient1.Gradient = THIS.VALUE THISFORM._Gradient1.ReDraw() ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcxImage1Image1Ribbonbuttonh5imagepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh5ribbonlabellinkimageimageribbonmenuseparator foxribbon.vcxpropertiespanel container foxribbon.vcx ribbonpage aboutpage2 Ribbonlabel3.Width = 300 Height = 65 Name = "myapplogo" ribbonlabellink1Ribbon_groupseparator4ribbon_groupseparatorimageRibbonbuttonh8 aboutpage2 Ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcxLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonlabel containerlabel foxribbon.vcxFontSize = 14 Caption = "Mens desplegables" Left = 420 Top = 156 ZOrderSet = 6 _idtranslate = CAR008 Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcx containerRibbonlistbox1 _timepicker carousel3=Width = 876 Height = 92 TabIndex = 5 Name = "whathistab"  containerimageexamplestab.Ribbongroup2Image1?PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = TIME() ENDPROC  Ribbonlabel4Image3 container carousel2 ribbonbuttonhLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" _Shapeshape foxribbon.vcxxTop = 57 Left = 13 Height = 22 Width = 129 Alignment = 0 Caption = "Gradient" Value = .T. Name = "Ribboncheck4" scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup2Ribbonbuttonv5Pixelslabelpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh18imageimage carousel1 foxribbon.vcxPixels ribbonbuttonv ribbonpage carousel3shapepropertiespanelRibbonbuttonh18 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonh_Shape~PROCEDURE Click tmpsheet = createobject("word.application") tmpsheet.documents.add() tmpsheet.visible=.T. ENDPROC panel1.Ribbongroup2linedia ribbonbuttonv ribbonlistbox carousel2imagevPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 1 Name = "Image2"  foxribbon.vcx carousel3shape foxribbon.vcx container foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page2"  carousel3shape container o_timepicker1propertiespanelpanel2.Ribbongroup1 ribbonlabelTop = 0 Left = 160 TabIndex = 3 Name = "Ribbon_groupseparator4" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" 2PROCEDURE Click DO FORM FORMS\example1 ENDPROC examplestab.Ribbongroup2 foxribbon.vcxCaption = "...................................................................................." Height = 17 Left = 12 Top = 320 Width = 254 TabIndex = 44 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel15"  container carousel3propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh19Ribbonbuttonv2SFontSize = 8 Caption = "Opcin 4" Left = 9 Top = 95 Name = "Ribbonlabellink4" SFontSize = 8 Caption = "Opcin 3" Left = 9 Top = 79 Name = "Ribbonlabellink3"  foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxSFontSize = 8 Caption = "Opcin 2" Left = 9 Top = 63 Name = "Ribbonlabellink2" ribbonlabellinkshapeexamplestab.Ribbongroup2LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" Ribbonbuttonh19 foxribbon.vcxClassPROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_ShowAnimationPage THISFORM.Old_ShowAnimationPage = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC  ribbonbuttonhshape Ribbonlabel4label foxribbon.vcxlabel_Shape ribbonlabelSFontSize = 8 Caption = "Opcin 1" Left = 9 Top = 47 Name = "ribbonlabellink1" scrollcontainer1_sidebargroup2 container foxribbon.vcx _sidebargroup container designertab_datetimepicker2 foxribbon.vcx_datetimepicker containerPixels container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel2.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel2panel5Ribbonbuttonh4propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh17shape ribbonpagepropertiespanelRibbonbuttonh17 container Ribbongroup1panel6LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  foxribbon.vcx_Shape carousel3 ribbonbuttonh container aboutpage1 Ribbonlabel2shape Ribbonlabel3Caption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 195 TabIndex = 40 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel13" 0Width = 357 Height = 211 Name = "aboutpage3" shapepropertiespanellabellabelpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh16 foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx containerimage carousel3 Ribbonlabel2label foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelPixelslabelRibbonbuttonh16 containerPROCEDURE Timer THIS.PARENT.TIME.CAPTION = _SCREEN.oRibbon.c_cDateEx(DATE(), 2) + " " + TIME() THIS.INTERVAL = 1000 ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel1 container ribbonlabel_Shape carousel3 ribbonlabel aboutpage1 Ribbonlabel2tPROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.SetValue(DATETIME(YEAR(DATE()), MONTH(DATE()), DAY(DATE()), 0, 0, 0)) ENDPROC examplestab.Ribbongroup2textboxshapelabel Myapplogo1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonh!Arial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0  container mydesigns.vcxClass myapplogo carousel3Image2imagepropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh15shapelabel container Ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcxMHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 68 Width = 600 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1"  foxribbon.vcximage carousel3 ribbonlabel Ribbonlabel1labelTop = 234 Left = 288 Height = 22 Width = 126 Alignment = 0 Caption = " ShowAnimationPage" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.ShowAnimationPage" TabIndex = 4 Name = "Ribboncheck3"  container_datetimepicker1Class/Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel2"  myapplogo foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape"  ribbonpageshapePROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\man_prov name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxpanel5propertiespanel ribbonlabel containerPROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_AutoTabClick THISFORM.Old_AutoTabClick = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC _FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 3" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1"  foxribbon.vcxfPicture = ..\images\flag_spain16.png Height = 16 Left = 290 Top = 60 Width = 16 Name = "Image1"  containerRibbonbuttonh15 foxribbon.vcx carousel2 ribbonbuttonh carousel1Pixelspropertiespanel Ribbonlabel9 foxribbon.vcxlabelClasslabel ribbonlabel0Width = 357 Height = 211 Name = "aboutpage2" /Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel3" Image8Caption = "...................................................................................." Left = 12 Top = 195 TabIndex = 39 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel12" propertiespanelImage1PROCEDURE Valid THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF THIS.VALUE # THISFORM.Old_SeeOutLineGroup THISFORM.Old_SeeOutLineGroup = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.CHANGE(.T.) ENDIF ENDPROC  Ribbonlabel2 container ribbonpage carousel2 Ribbonlabel1 carousel2 Ribbonlabel8 foxribbon.vcx Ribbonlabel3label ribbonlabel carousel2+Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page3" imageCaption = "FoxRibbon use the class libraries GdiPlusX (System.app)" Left = 12 Top = 176 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = AB04 Name = "Ribbonlabel6" _datetimepicker_Shapeimage carousel2Image7imagetPROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.SetValue(DATETIME(YEAR(DATE()), MONTH(DATE()), DAY(DATE()), 0, 0, 0)) ENDPROC 4PROCEDURE Click DO FORM FORMS\example4 ENDPROC Ribbonbuttonv3image foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel Myapplogo1dFontSize = 14 Caption = "System.app" Left = 416 Top = 120 ZOrderSet = 5 Name = "Ribbonlabel3" imageNPROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() this.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Author ENDPROC shape carousel2 Ribbonlabel7label ribbongroup ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh7 containerLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanel Ribbonlabel7shape ribbonlabel carousel2 carousel2/Width = 798 Height = 258 Name = "carousel1" Image2 foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelpropertiespaneljFontSize = 14 Caption = "VFP 9.0 SP1 / SP2" Left = 418 Top = 84 ZOrderSet = 4 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  containerCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 280 Top = 32 TabIndex = 2 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel11" Ribbonbuttonh12_Shapeimage mydesigns.vcxClass@Caption = "Author" Left = 72 Top = 60 Name = "Ribbonlabel5" shape carousel2propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh12Image6imageFontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Caption = "FoxRibbon?" Left = 372 Top = 24 ZOrderSet = 4 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = CAR001 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  Myapplogo1image carousel2 foxribbon.vcximageimagelabelexamplestab.Ribbongroup2 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv?PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.SetValue(DATE()) ENDPROC examplestab.Ribbongroup2 _datepicker1image container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhshapePROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\uti_chimenea name (pnomform) ENDPROC panel1=PROCEDURE Click do form forms\estilos with 40,40 ENDPROC LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanel Ribbonlabel6label foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelPicture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 183 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 9 Name = "Image4"  carousel2 container Ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcx carousel1PixelsVFontBold = .T. Caption = "FoxRibbon V." Left = 12 Top = 24 Name = "Ribbonlabel4"  containerImage4 ribbonpage carousel1scrollcontainer1._sidebargroup1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup1Ribbonbuttonh3 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhshapeimage carousel1 ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxPicture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 87 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 7 Name = "Image1"  carousel1Ribbonbuttonh4 carousel2 mydesigns.vcxPicture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 123 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 8 Name = "Image3" PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() this.Caption = _SCREEN.oRibbon._ClassName + " " + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Version + " " + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Date ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh5page1 ribbonbuttonv Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv7_FontBold = .T. FontSize = 28 Caption = "Page 2" Left = 12 Top = 12 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" NFontBold = .T. Caption = "Web" Left = 12 Top = 132 Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  container{Caption = "http://vfpx.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=GDIPlusX" Left = 444 Top = 144 ZOrderSet = 6 Name = "Ribbonlabel4" !Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 PixelsClass ribbonpage designertab designertabRibbon_groupseparator2 container foxribbon.vcxribbon_groupseparatorimage foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxspinnerCaption = "...................................................................................." Left = 12 Top = 32 TabIndex = 38 lfontalternate = .T. Name = "Ribbonlabel10" FontSize = 14 Caption = "Men tipo Ribbon" Left = 420 Top = 60 ZOrderSet = 4 _idtranslate = CAR004 Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Top = 280 Left = 288 Height = 22 Width = 111 Alignment = 0 Caption = " SeeOutLineGroup" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutlineGroup" TabIndex = 6 Name = "Ribboncheck2"  ribbonbuttonhTop = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 3 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3" Top = 0 Left = 517 TabIndex = 4 Name = "Ribbon_groupseparator2" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" designertab.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv2 containersaveastimer_Shape~FontSize = 14 Caption = "Multi idioma" Left = 420 Top = 132 ZOrderSet = 14 _idtranslate = CAR007 Name = "Ribbonlabel8" vPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Image2" vPicture = ..\images\toolbox128.png Height = 128 Left = 108 Top = 113 Width = 128 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Image2" Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 111 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 11 Name = "Image6"  containerpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh4shapeshape foxribbon.vcx _datepicker containercheckboxOFontBold = .T. Caption = "eMail" Left = 12 Top = 96 Name = "Ribbonlabel2" 0Width = 357 Height = 211 Name = "aboutpage1"  foxribbon.vcxRibbonbuttonh3Anchor = 8 Top = 4 Left = 398 Width = 120 Height = 14 Visible = .F. swapcolors = .T. Name = "_progressbar1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel1.Top = 0 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Top = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 2 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3" ColumnCount = 0 ColumnWidths = "" RowSourceType = 1 RowSource = "English Guillermo Carrero,Espaol Guillermo Carrero" FirstElement = 1 Height = 184 Left = 10 NumberOfElements = 0 Top = 13 Width = 336 ZOrderSet = 0 Name = "Ribbonlistbox2" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\uti_doblez name (pnomform) ENDPROC Shape1 container containerVHeight = 22 Left = 306 TabIndex = 7 Top = 3 Width = 117 Name = "Ribbontextbox1" examplestab.Ribbongroup2Ribbontextbox1 foxribbon.vcx ribbontextbox optiongroup container+Width = 747 Height = 89 Name = "panel2"  container foxribbon.vcxpanel3Ribbonbuttonv4!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 panel5.Ribbongroup1 containerlabelpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh3UHeight = 22 Left = 254 TabIndex = 5 Top = 3 Width = 50 Name = "RIBBONSPINNER1" examplestab.Ribbongroup2RIBBONSPINNER1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonspinner foxribbon.vcxpropertiespanel foxribbon.vcxscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup1Ribbonbuttonh2 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer1._sidebargroup1ribbonbuttonh1 containerdefault container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel1.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv3 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcxTop = 211 Left = 288 Alignment = 0 Caption = " AutoTabClick" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick" TabIndex = 3 Name = "Ribboncheck1" shapeexamplestab.Ribbongroup2Ribbonoptiongroup1ribbonoptiongroupJTop = 25 Left = 306 Alignment = 0 TabIndex = 8 Name = "Ribboncheck1" examplestab.Ribbongroup2 Ribboncheck1imageimage foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribboncheckexamplestab.Ribbongroup2 Ribboncombo1comboboxcheckbox ribbonbuttonhpropertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh2 foxribbon.vcx ribboncomboexamplestab.Ribbongroup2textboximage_ShapeshapeOTop = 0 Left = 309 Height = 23 Width = 23 Interval = 100 Name = "Timer1"  scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car6"  foxribbon.vcx containerImage1 Ribboncheck2 foxribbon.vcx ribbonchecklabelFontBold = .T. Caption = "Others" Left = 280 Top = 191 TabIndex = 21 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN04 Name = "Ribbonlabel9" propertiespanelkPROCEDURE Valid THIS.PARENT.ThisEnabled(IIF(THIS.VALUE = 1, .F., .T.)) THIS.ThisEnabled(.T.) ENDPROC examplestab.Ribbongroup2FontSize = 14 Caption = "Mens basados en pestaas" Left = 420 Top = 84 ZOrderSet = 12 _idtranslate = CAR005 Name = "Ribbonlabel7" FontBold = .T. Caption = "Buttons" Left = 12 Top = 191 TabIndex = 22 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN02 Name = "Ribbonlabel3" Ribbonbuttonh2#Top = 136 Left = 71 Width = 60 Height = 22 TabIndex = 6 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton5" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.FontBold = .F. Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Browse" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 54 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lcTxt lcTxt = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("SB0002", "Hello World") _SCREEN.oRibbon.MESSAGEBOX(lcTxt ,"I" ,"FoxRibbon" ,"\= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "RowFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowFontColor ENDPROC LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" _ShapePicture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 135 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 15 Name = "Image8" PROCEDURE Click local vdat vdat =fcreateconect(pdata) if vdat = 0 return else if callsql(vdat,"sp_delspl") = 0 =messagebox("Se borr el buffer correctamente",64,"Confirmacin") endif endif ENDPROC timer containershapeOPROCEDURE MouseDown LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord ENDPROC iPicture = images\pventp.png BackStyle = 0 Height = 34 Left = 8 Top = 2 Width = 34 Name = "Image3" inistartbutton foxribbon.vcx container foxribbon.vcx*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car5"  container containerXPROCEDURE Click SKIP 1 IF EOF() GO BOTTOM ENDIF THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx ribbontextbox scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2ribboncommandbutton1 containerTop = 0 Left = 440 TabIndex = 3 Name = "Ribbon_groupseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" Ribbon_groupseparator1ribbon_groupseparatorRibbonseparator3shapeshapePROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_cons name (pnomform) with 7 ENDPROC panel6labelImage3 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabelPicture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 64 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 5 Name = "Image1" MTop = 1 Left = 1 Height = 23 Width = 23 Interval = 600 Name = "Timer1" 'examplestab.Ribbongroup1.ribbonbuttonv1examplestab.Ribbongroup1ribbonbuttonv1 foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Valid IF THIS.VALUE == THISFORM.Old_cFontName *-- SET EXACT ELSE THISFORM.Old_cFontName = THIS.VALUE THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF THISFORM.ribbon1.ReDraw() KEYBOARD '{TAB}' ENDPROC designertab.Ribbongroup1 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxlabel %?TNU C ]UClick,12)labelimageRibbonbuttonv6shapeFontSize = 14 Caption = "Calendario, control de fechas y horas" Left = 420 Top = 180 ZOrderSet = 8 _idtranslate = CAR009 Name = "Ribbonlabel4" Top = 0 Left = 227 TabIndex = 12 Name = "Ribbonseparator3" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" ribbonseparatordesignertab.Ribbongroup1 selectstyleTimer1Ribboncommandbutton2 ribbonbuttonvpropertiespanel container*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car2"  container foxribbon.vcxRibbonbuttonh3FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Caption = "Caractersticas" Left = 372 Top = 24 ZOrderSet = 3 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = CAR003 Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttonv4 ribbonbuttonvlistbaseHPROCEDURE Click DO FORM c:\newproyect\pvent\forms\import.scx ENDPROC  containerRibbonbuttonv1 ribbonbuttonvimagePixelsClass foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonh container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh3 foxribbon.vcxClass containerpanel5.Ribbongroup1 foxribbon.vcx container foxribbon.vcx ribbongroup ribbonpageRibbonbuttonv3imageLTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" panel4.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv4 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel4.Ribbongroup2Ribbonbuttonv3 containerimagepanel7 container container containerwPROCEDURE redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.RibbonLabel3.Redraw() ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click DO FORM forms\SideBar ENDPROC Picture = defaultimages\noimage16.bmp BackStyle = 0 Height = 16 Left = 396 Top = 87 Width = 16 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Image7" FontBold = .T. FontSize = 14 Alignment = 2 Caption = "NEW" Height = 25 Left = 11 Top = 11 Width = 45 Rotation = 0 Name = "ribbonlabel3" LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" Ribbonbuttonh1PTop = 12 Left = 216 Height = 23 Width = 23 Interval = 700 Name = "Timer1"  scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel foxribbon.vcxscrollcontainer2 ribbonpageTop = 24 Left = 12 ZOrderSet = 3 Name = "Myapplogo1" Image1.Height = 64 Image1.Width = 64 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3"  ribbongrouppanel1.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv6 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv(PROCEDURE Click clear events ENDPROC Ribbonbuttonv2 foxribbon.vcx ribbongroup foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhBArial, 0, 8, 5, 14, 11, 29, 3, 0 Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 _scrollcontainerscrollcontainer2scrollcontainer2LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanel Ribbonlabel2 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx^Picture = ..\images\car6.jpg Height = 143 Left = 6 Top = 35 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" scrollcontainer2._sidebargroup3_sidebargroup3 containerPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnCounter WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon THISFORM.MyStatusBar._ProGressBar1.Visible = .T. .WaitOn("Please wait", "Processing... ") FOR lnCounter = 1 TO 50000 *-- *-- Code *-- .WaitRefresh("Processing... " + TRANSFORM(lnCounter), 50000, lnCounter, .T.) THISFORM.MyStatusBar._ProGressBar1.Progress(lnCounter, 50000) ENDFOR .Waitoff() .MsgBox("Warning", "End of process", 3000, .T.) THISFORM.MyStatusBar._ProGressBar1.Visible = .F. ENDWITH ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcxTop = 359 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 33 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh21" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "RowFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" FontBold = .T. Caption = "In editing controls" Left = 12 Top = 316 TabIndex = 23 ZOrderSet = 15 lfontalternate = .T. _idtranslate = STYPAN05 Name = "Ribbonlabel7"  foxribbon.vcx _sidebargroupscrollcontainer2._sidebargroup1Ribbonbuttonh4 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer2._sidebargroup1Ribbonbuttonh3 container foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh2AutoSize = .F. FontBold = .T. FontItalic = .T. FontSize = 30 Caption = "FoxRibbon" Height = 52 Left = 76 Top = -6 Width = 220 Name = "Ribbonlabel2"  foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv container!Arial, 0, 9, 5, 15, 12, 32, 3, 0 calendarven._panel1labelcalendarven._panel1 ribbonbuttonh container foxribbon.vcxClasslabellabel*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car1"  L%I^XU UOCALSHOWClick,11) ribbonbuttonvfechaImage1]Picture = ..\images\car4.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1"  containerRibbonbuttonh10 ribbonlabelpropertiespanel Ribbonlabel4 ribbonbuttonvpanel1.Ribbongroup1 container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv@PROCEDURE Click do form forms\acceso name (pnomform) ENDPROC  containerpanel7.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv5 containerRibbonbuttonv2propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh9propertiespanelTop = 0 Left = 365 TabIndex = 11 Name = "Ribbonseparator2" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" designertab.Ribbongroup1Ribbonseparator2 foxribbon.vcxribbonseparatordesignertab.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1 containerexamplestab.Ribbongroup1 ribbonbuttonhexamplestab.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonh2 container container\Anchor = 10 Top = 107 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvTop = 0 Left = 139 TabIndex = 10 Name = "Ribbonseparator1" Line1.Name = "Line1" Line2.Name = "Line2" Line3.Name = "Line3" designertab.Ribbongroup1Ribbonseparator1 container foxribbon.vcxribbonseparator Properties[Anchor = 10 Top = 85 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  container containerMTop = 3 Left = 4 Width = 60 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 disabledpicture = vcx\defaultimages\disanoimage32.bmp Name = "Ribbonbuttonv5" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 14 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Example 1" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 58 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 24 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  ribbonlabel ribbonlabelscrollcontainer2._sidebargroup1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer2._sidebargroup1ribbonbuttonh1 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx ribbonpage ribbonpage foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhexamplestab.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonh1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonh examplestab Ribbongroup1 container foxribbon.vcx ribbongroup containerdesignertab.Ribbongroup1 container containerscrollcontainer2 ribbonbuttonhscrollcontainer2_sidebargroup1 container foxribbon.vcx Ribbonlabel2PROCEDURE Click THISFORM.RunApp("mailto:" + _SCREEN.oRibbon._Email) ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = _SCREEN.oRibbon._Email ENDPROC  $%8MGUUClick,1Q1) containerRibbonbuttonv1propertiespanel ribbontextbox foxribbon.vcxribbontextbox1 foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lcTxt lcTxt = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("SB0002", "Hello World") _SCREEN.oRibbon.MESSAGEBOX(lcTxt ,"I" ,"FoxRibbon" ,"\PROCEDURE Click GO BOTTOM THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC Ribboncommandbutton4 foxribbon.vcxribboncommandbuttonPROCEDURE Command1.MouseDown LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord DODEFAULT(nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord) THISFORM.RESIZE() ENDPROC  ribbonbuttonvdesignertab.Ribbongroup1 container;PROCEDURE Click GO TOP THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2Ribboncommandbutton3 container container containereFontBold = .T. Caption = "Author" Left = 12 Top = 60 _idtranslate = AB03 Name = "Ribbonlabel1"  7%_tnU forms\accesoJUFORMSPNOMFORMClick,115)_panel1 foxribbon.vcx scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2 ribbonlabel L%I^XU UOCALSHOWClick,11) foxribbon.vcx container containerpage1Ribbonbuttonh2 containerRibbonbuttonv2_title panel4.Ribbongroup2 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvVPROCEDURE Click SKIP -1 IF BOF() GO TOP ENDIF THIS.PARENT.REFRESH() ENDPROC  ;%DYSU\{ALT+F4}UClick,12&) foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel7.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv3 container foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcx %bwqU/,$c:\newproyect\pvent\forms\import.scxUCClick,11=) ribbonbuttonhpage1page1Ribbonbuttonh9]Picture = ..\images\car6.jpg Height = 143 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 191 Name = "Image1" LTop = 2 Left = 6 Height = 18 Width = 18 Curvature = 2 Name = "_Shape" propertiespanel.Ribbonbuttonh10 ribbonbuttonh scrollcontainer2.o_sidebargroup2 ribbonbuttonv9PROCEDURE Click this.Parent.SaveAs.Click(.F.) ENDPROC designertab.Ribbongroup1 container*Width = 191 Height = 143 Name = "car3"  foxribbon.vcxribboncommandbutton foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvdesignertab.Ribbongroup1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv designertab Ribbongroup1~Anchor = 10 ControlSource = "customers.companyname" Height = 22 Left = 62 Top = 72 Width = 137 Name = "Ribbontextbox2" = 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "RowBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.RowBackColor ENDPROC {Top = 3 Left = 208 Width = 19 Height = 66 TabIndex = 4 path_form_menu = forms\selectstyle Name = "selectstyle" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 53 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT3 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Left = 49 Ribbonlabel2.Top = 1 Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 4 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" zTop = 3 Left = 368 TabIndex = 7 path_form_menu = Forms\seecode helptitle = See code helptxt = See code and copy the properties helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT6 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT6H2 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = ..\images\code_colored32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "See code" Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT6 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 27 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click IF !EMPTY(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) IF ! THIS.PARENT.PARENT.SaveChanges() RETURN ENDIF ENDIF DO FORM FORMS\OpenFileIni IF !EMPTY(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) WITH THISFORM .Ribbon1.ReDraw() .CHANGE(.F.) .REFRESH() .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutLineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH ENDIF ENDPROC  %dysUC-UTHISPARENTSAVEASCLICKClick,1A1.)Label2imageTop = 94 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 42 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh14" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FontColorAlternate" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  ribbonbuttonv container containerPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_pena name (pnomform) ENDPROC Ribbonbuttonv6 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel3.Ribbongroup1 containerlabel4 #%UY(TwinCC Z7QFORM forms\inp_retJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)zPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx3PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FontColorAlternate = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColorAlternate ENDPROC  %UNTwinC7QFORM$forms\view_consJUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!A1w)imagelabelpanel7.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv4)MS Sans Serif, 0, 8, 5, 13, 11, 11, 2, 0  calendarven container calendarvenTop = 47 Left = 73 Width = 81 Height = 22 TabIndex = 4 path_form_menu = Forms\Menu1 nmenuleft = 66 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 67 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %_vnU#6CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1Q23)Ribbonbuttonv2panel7Ribbonbuttonv5Top = 117 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 41 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh13" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "TabFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 200 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 10 ZOrderSet = 6 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh9" IMAGE1.Picture = ..\ IMAGE1.Height = 16 IMAGE1.Width = 16 IMAGE1.Name = "IMAGE1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" SHAPE1.Name = "SHAPE1" COMMAND1.Name = "COMMAND1" IMAGE2.Name = "IMAGE2" RIBBONLABEL1.Caption = "Select all" RIBBONLABEL1.Left = 17 RIBBONLABEL1.Name = "RIBBONLABEL1" RIBBONLABEL2.Caption = "" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" Top = 222 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 11 ZOrderSet = 7 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh10" IMAGE1.Picture = ..\ IMAGE1.Height = 16 IMAGE1.Width = 16 IMAGE1.Name = "IMAGE1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" SHAPE1.Name = "SHAPE1" COMMAND1.Name = "COMMAND1" IMAGE2.Name = "IMAGE2" RIBBONLABEL1.Caption = "Print" RIBBONLABEL1.Left = 17 RIBBONLABEL1.Name = "RIBBONLABEL1" RIBBONLABEL2.Caption = "" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\inp_ret name (pnomform) ENDPROC panel5.Ribbongroup1panel5.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvzPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC  ribbonbuttonhRibbonbuttonh1 containerimageCommand1PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "TabFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.TabFontColor ENDPROC RowSourceType = 1 RowSource = "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100" ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.nFactorBackColor" Left = 146 TabIndex = 1 Top = 163 Width = 49 BoundTo = .T. Name = "Ribboncombo1"  %_vnU#)CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1Q20) foxribbon.vcx foxribbon.vcxlistainistartbutton commandbuttonTop = 3 Left = 142 Height = 66 TabIndex = 3 helptitle = Open helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT3 helptxt = Open style file helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT3H2 Name = "open" Image1.Picture = ..\images\folder.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Open" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT3 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %UNTwinC7QFORM$forms\view_consJUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!A1w) containerzPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC  containerlistboxTop = 3 Left = 4 TabIndex = 1 Name = "ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = ..\..\ Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = -34 Image1.Top = 21 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "_SideBar class" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Height = 22 KeyboardHighValue = 5 KeyboardLowValue = 1 Left = 380 SpinnerHighValue = 5.00 SpinnerLowValue = 1.00 TabIndex = 7 Top = 303 Width = 36 ControlSource = "_SCREEN.oRibbon.nTheme" Name = "RIBBONSPINNER1" oTop = 3 Left = 73 Height = 66 TabIndex = 2 disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon\images\Disa_floppy_red.png helptitle = Style properties helptxt = Open the properties panel to change panelclass = PropertiesPanel helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT2 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT2H2 nmenuleft = 170 nmenutop = 35 Name = "Properties" Image1.Picture = ..\images\cubes32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Style properties" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT2 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 51 Marlett.Top = 27 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" [Anchor = 10 Top = 63 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_cons name (pnomform) with 18 ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_cons name (pnomform) with 17 ENDPROC page1 foxribbon.vcxPixels ribbonbuttonvpanel7.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1 container ribbonbuttonvpanel3.Ribbongroup1calendarven._panel1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel7.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv2^Top = 48 Left = -33 Height = 27 Width = 27 Caption = "" TabIndex = 1 Name = "Command1"  commandbutton\Anchor = 10 Top = 107 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 178 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 9 ZOrderSet = 5 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh8" IMAGE1.Picture = ..\ IMAGE1.Height = 16 IMAGE1.Width = 16 IMAGE1.Name = "IMAGE1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" SHAPE1.Name = "SHAPE1" COMMAND1.Name = "COMMAND1" IMAGE2.Name = "IMAGE2" RIBBONLABEL1.Caption = "Paste" RIBBONLABEL1.Left = 17 RIBBONLABEL1.Name = "RIBBONLABEL1" RIBBONLABEL2.Caption = "" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" Top = 156 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 8 ZOrderSet = 4 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh7" IMAGE1.Picture = ..\ IMAGE1.Height = 16 IMAGE1.Width = 16 IMAGE1.Name = "IMAGE1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" SHAPE1.Name = "SHAPE1" COMMAND1.Name = "COMMAND1" IMAGE2.Name = "IMAGE2" RIBBONLABEL1.Caption = "Copy" RIBBONLABEL1.Left = 17 RIBBONLABEL1.Name = "RIBBONLABEL1" RIBBONLABEL2.Caption = "" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" Top = 22 Left = 358 Width = 168 Height = 24 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton2" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "MessageBox" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 5 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 162 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" uTop = 47 Left = 512 TabIndex = 14 Name = "_datetimepicker2" Ribbontextbox1.Name = "Ribbontextbox1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Height = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Width = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribboncommandbutton1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribboncommandbutton1.Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1"  sN%UTTwinC7QFORM*forms\proc_ccpJEUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!1y)imageTop = 112 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 6 ZOrderSet = 7 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh5" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Print" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  sN%UTTwinC7QFORM*forms\proc_ccpJIUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!1y)zPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonhinistartbutton[Anchor = 10 Top = 63 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" !Top = 428 Left = 422 Width = 108 Height = 22 TabIndex = 35 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Close" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 102 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = OTH004 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 90 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 5 ZOrderSet = 6 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Select all" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Image1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonv %Pe_UFORMS\example1UFORMSClick,1a1')calendarven._panel1 containerpanel1.Ribbongroup1inistartbutton container container *redraw  container:Top = 3 Left = 603 TabIndex = 12 seconds = 0 Name = "o_timepicker1" Ribbontextbox1.Name = "Ribbontextbox1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbontextbox2.Name = "Ribbontextbox2" Ribbontextbox3.Name = "Ribbontextbox3" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonlabel3.Name = "Ribbonlabel3" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Height = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Width = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribboncommandbutton1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribboncommandbutton1.Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1"  %UNTwinC7QFORM$forms\view_consJUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!A1v) containerzPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC zPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC Ribbonmenuseparator1 k%[pjUT-UTHISPARENTVISIBLEClick,13P)4Width = 200 Height = 200 Name = "inistartbutton"  h%xU1 H %C+#6CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1QA2M)panel5.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv5calendarven._panel1zPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) Ribbongroup1OTop = 3 Left = 190 Width = 60 Height = 66 TabIndex = 4 disabledpicture = vcx\defaultimages\disanoimage32.bmp Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 14 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Example 4" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 58 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 24 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "LinesColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor ENDPROC Top = 163 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 33 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh11" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "LinesColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 68 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 4 ZOrderSet = 5 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Paste" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" zPROCEDURE Click thisform.Hide thisform.release do form forms\acceso with alltrim(this.Tag) name (pnomform) ENDPROC dHeight = 0 Left = 13 Top = 21 Width = 600 BorderColor = 255,0,0 Name = "Ribbonmenuseparator1" ribbonmenuseparator_Top = 3 Left = 4 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 cancel = .F. disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon_v_0_14\images\disa_document_into32.png helptitle = Default style helptxt = Set default values to the style helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT1 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT1H2 border = .F. lcurvature = .T. swapcolors = .F. Name = "default" Image1.Picture = ..\images\document_into32.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Default style" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT1 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Fx" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 280 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 27 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh8" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedButtonFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_pre name (pnomform) with 0,2,',',1,"1" ENDPROC mPicture = images\calendar.png Stretch = 1 Height = 107 Left = -7 Top = 92 Width = 107 Name = "Image1" calendarven._panel1 foxribbon.vcx ribbongroup Ribbonlabel1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonlabel container foxribbon.vcx %Pe_UFORMS\example4UFORMSClick,1a2))PROCEDURE Timer WITH THIS.PARENT IF THISFORM.lChange THISFORM.MyTitleBar.RibbonLabel1.VISIBLE = IIF(THISFORM.MyTitleBar.RibbonLabel1.VISIBLE, .F., .T.) ELSE THISFORM.MyTitleBar.RibbonLabel1.VISIBLE = .T. ENDIF ENDWITH ENDPROC Anchor = 10 Top = 41 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "\= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedButtonFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedButtonFontColor ENDPROC Top = 257 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 26 ZOrderSet = 20 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh7" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedColor2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  container foxribbon.vcx %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\man_clie name (pnomform) ENDPROC FontBold = .F. FontSize = 8 ColumnCount = 4 ColumnWidths = "38,170,150" Height = 156 Left = 95 Top = 36 Width = 310 Name = "lista" Ribbonbuttonv4 %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16)Top = 234 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 25 ZOrderSet = 19 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh6" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedColor1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %yU2 H %C#)CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1QA2K) container container>PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedColor2 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor2 ENDPROC Top = 211 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 24 ZOrderSet = 18 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh5" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "ButtonFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %U)TCUTHISFORM _GRADIENT1 SWAPCOLORSTHISVALUEREDRAWValid,1a2\)FontBold = .T. FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 11 Caption = "Empresas recientemente aperturadas" Left = 12 Top = 2 TabIndex = 1 ForeColor = 255,0,0 Name = "Ribbonlabel1"  foxribbon.vcx containerRColumnCount = 0 ColumnWidths = "" RowSourceType = 1 RowSource = "Antonio L. Montagut (Spain),Cesar Chalom (Brazil),Claudio Luna (Uruguay),Jim Edgar (USA),Luis Mara Guayn (Argentina),Walter R. Ojeda Valiente (Paraguay)" FirstElement = 1 Height = 184 Left = 10 NumberOfElements = 0 Top = 13 Width = 336 Name = "Ribbonlistbox1"  %UOTwinC7QFORM%forms\inp_ncndJ07UPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!Q1x)panel6.Ribbongroup1 ribbonbuttonv calendarven container foxribbon.vcxRibbonbuttonv3 container *actualiza  scrollcon1.Width = 542 Height = 465 Name = "propertiespanel" _Shape1.Name = "_Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Style properties" Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 11 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT2 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" _Image1.Name = "_Image1" Shadow.Name = "Shadow" Top = 25 Left = 512 Width = 155 TabIndex = 13 Name = "_datetimepicker1" Ribbontextbox1.Seconds = 1 Ribbontextbox1.Name = "Ribbontextbox1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Height = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Width = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribboncommandbutton1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribboncommandbutton1.Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" 4 #%UY(TwinCC Z7QFORM forms\res_comJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)>PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedColor1 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedColor1 ENDPROC Top = 46 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 3 ZOrderSet = 4 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Copy" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 1 Left = 52 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 1 Name = "default" Image1.Picture = images\formato.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" +Width = 616 Height = 92 Name = "panel7"  scrollcon1Top = 405 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 31 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh18" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditForeDisable" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\view_sqlJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!2)calendarven._panel1 foxribbon.vcx container %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16) scrollcon1 ribbonbuttonvcalendarven._panel1_sidebargroup2 container classprin.vcxpTop = 3 Left = 512 TabIndex = 11 Name = "_datepicker1" Ribbontextbox1.Name = "Ribbontextbox1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Height = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Width = 16 Ribboncommandbutton1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribboncommandbutton1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribboncommandbutton1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribboncommandbutton1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribboncommandbutton1.Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" OTop = 3 Left = 128 Width = 60 Height = 66 TabIndex = 3 disabledpicture = vcx\defaultimages\disanoimage32.bmp Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 14 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Example 3" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 58 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 24 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" NTop = 3 Left = 66 Width = 60 Height = 66 TabIndex = 2 disabledpicture = vcx\defaultimages\disanoimage32.bmp Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 14 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Example 2" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 58 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 24 Marlett.Top = 52 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 2 Left = 163 Width = 717 Height = 88 TabIndex = 2 Name = "Ribbongroup2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 71 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 542 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 15 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.TabIndex = 16 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1" Top = 25 Left = 73 Width = 81 Height = 22 TabIndex = 3 path_form_menu = Forms\Menu1 nmenuleft = 66 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 67 Marlett.Top = 5 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" >PROCEDURE Click IF !EMPTY(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) IF ! THIS.PARENT.PARENT.SaveChanges() RETURN ENDIF ENDIF WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon .nTheme = 1 .nFactorBackColor = 50 .BackGround = RGB(149,194,255) .Backcolor1 = RGB(234,242,253) .Backcolor2 = RGB(191,219,255) .FormBackColor = RGB(255,255,255) .ShadowColor = RGB(180,180,180) .FontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .FontColorAlternate = RGB(0,0,0) .TabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedTabFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .LinesColor = RGB(141,178,227) .cFontName = 'Arial' .SeeOutlineGroup = .T. .ButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .SelectedColor1 = RGB(255,253,222) .SelectedColor2 = RGB(255,215,80) .SelectedButtonFontColor = RGB(21,66,139) .AutoTabClick = .F. .ShowAnimationPage = .F. .AnimationFaster = 5 .InEditBackColor = RGB(255,238,194) .InEditBackDisable = RGB(240,240,240) .InEditForeColor = RGB(0,0,0) .InEditForeDisable = RGB(128,128,128) .InEditFrameColor = RGB(255,0,0) .RowBackColor = RGB(0,64,128) .RowFontColor = RGB(255,255,255) .FileIni = "" .Settings() .ReDraw() WITH THISFORM .Ribbon1.Redraw() .CHANGE(.F.) .REFRESH() .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutlineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH ENDWITH ENDPROC AutoSize = .F. FontName = "Arial Black" FontSize = 30 Alignment = 2 BackStyle = 0 Caption = "01" Height = 44 Left = 12 Top = 136 Width = 71 Name = "dia" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_sql name (pnomform) ENDPROC +Width = 626 Height = 299 Name = "page1" panel3.Ribbongroup1 ribbonbuttonvTop = 315 Left = -1 Width = 203 Height = 186 Name = "_sidebargroup3" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Images" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = SB0005 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1"  Top = 50 Left = 358 Width = 168 Height = 24 TabIndex = 2 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "ProgressBar / MsgBox" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 5 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 162 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" cTop = 0 Left = -1 Width = 203 Height = 143 Name = "_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Picture = ..\images\cubes16.png _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" Top = 428 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 32 ZOrderSet = 21 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh19" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditFrameColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 171 Width = 28 Height = 22 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton4" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = ">>" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  foxribbon.vcx~Picture = defaultimages\startbuttonpressed.png BackStyle = 0 Height = 38 Left = -56 Top = 0 Width = 38 Name = "Image2" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\man_alma name (pnomform) ENDPROC  _sidebargroup scrollcon1 %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q16)_sidebargroup1 containercTag = "1" Picture = images\pin.png Height = 32 Left = -2 Top = 3 Width = 32 Name = "Image2"  %U)TCUTHISFORM _GRADIENT1 HORIZONTALTHISVALUEREDRAWValid,1a2\)bTop = 3 Left = 299 Height = 66 TabIndex = 6 cancel = .F. disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon_v_0_13\images\disa_save_as.png helptitle = Save as helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT5 helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT5H2 helptxt = Save as the style file border = .F. lcurvature = .T. swapcolors = .F. Name = "saveas" Image1.Tag = "" Image1.Picture = ..\images\save_as.png Image1.Enabled = .F. Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Save as" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT5 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Fx" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 71 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 12 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh9" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_sal name (pnomform) ENDPROC Picture = defaultimages\startbuttonnormal.png Stretch = 0 BackStyle = 0 Height = 38 Left = 6 Top = 0 Width = 38 Name = "Image1" FontBold = .T. FontName = "Times New Roman" FontSize = 11 Alignment = 2 BackStyle = 0 Caption = "Domingo" Height = 18 Left = 11 Top = 131 Width = 73 ForeColor = 255,0,0 Name = "fecha" )PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "ButtonFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ButtonFontColor ENDPROC /PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditForeDisable = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeDisable ENDPROC Top = 136 Left = 63 Width = 28 Height = 22 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "<<" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 135 Width = 28 Height = 22 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = ">" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 99 Width = 28 Height = 22 Name = "ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "<" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" rTop = 143 Left = -1 Width = 203 Height = 172 Name = "o_sidebargroup2" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "..\Northwind\Customers.dbf" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" 9   %U^(TwinCC Z7QFORM!forms\uti_chimeneaJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1) Ribbonbuttonv1 foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\inp_despro with "1" name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcxRibbonbuttonv3PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\man_art name (pnomform) ENDPROC 7 %U\(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\uti_doblezJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)[ BB%U_TC excel.sheet\TCTTaUTMPSHEETXLAPP APPLICATION WORKBOOKSADDXLSHEET ACTIVESHEETVISIBLEClick,12)BPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_alma name (pnomform) ENDPROC AutoSize = .F. FontBold = .T. FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 36 BackStyle = 0 Caption = "" Height = 46 Left = 33 Top = 47 Width = 27 ForeColor = 255,0,0 Name = "ruc"  %ayqU! CTArialUTHISFONTNAMEredraw,1Q28)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_cons name (pnomform) with 16 ENDPROC  container foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvpanel5.Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv4 containerTop = 48 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 16 ZOrderSet = 10 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackGround" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 171 Width = 28 Height = 22 TabIndex = 8 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton4" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = ">>" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 3 Width = 28 Height = 22 TabIndex = 4 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "<<" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" +PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditFrameColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditFrameColor ENDPROC Top = 382 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 30 ZOrderSet = 20 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh17" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditForeColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 136 Left = 137 Width = 28 Height = 22 TabIndex = 7 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 82 Image1.Top = 6 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = ">" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 3 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 22 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Anchor = 10 Top = 41 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "\= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditForeColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditForeColor ENDPROC Top = 287 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 172 Name = "o_sidebargroup2" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "..\Northwind\Customers.dbf" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.TabIndex = 9 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" \Anchor = 10 Top = 107 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" JPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditBackDisable = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackDisable ENDPROC Top = 359 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 29 ZOrderSet = 19 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh16" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditBackDisable" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 587 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 186 Name = "o_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Images" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = SB0005 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" )PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "InEditBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.InEditBackColor ENDPROC Top = 336 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 28 ZOrderSet = 18 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh15" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 3 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "InEditBackColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" [Anchor = 10 Top = 85 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" [Anchor = 10 Top = 63 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "ShadowColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor ENDPROC Top = 140 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 19 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh12" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "ShadowColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" [Anchor = 10 Top = 41 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Anchor = 10 Top = 115 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 path_form_menu = Forms\Menu1 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh6" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Anchor = 8 Marlett.Left = 181 Marlett.Top = 5 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FormBackColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FormBackColor ENDPROC Top = 117 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 20 ZOrderSet = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh4" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FormBackColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 73 Width = 81 Height = 22 TabIndex = 2 path_form_menu = Forms\Menu1 nmenuleft = 66 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 67 Marlett.Top = 5 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\view_cons name (pnomform) with 6 ENDPROC  container foxribbon.vcx5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\proc_salJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1) foxribbon.vcx ribbonbuttonvTop = 140 Left = 280 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 13 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh10" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 2 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "SelectedTabFontColor" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" .PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackColor2 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2 ENDPROC Top = 94 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 18 ZOrderSet = 12 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackColor2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" WPROCEDURE Click PARAMETERS TlName IF PCOUNT() = 0 TlName = .T. ENDIF LOCAL lcFileIni, lnWidth, lnHeight, loSrcImage AS xfcBitmap, loThumbnail AS xfcImage lcSkip = CHR(13) + CHR(10) IF ! DIRECTORY(pcFolderStyle) AND ! EMPTY(pcFolderStyle) MD (pcFolderStyle) ENDIF IF TlName lcFileIni = THIS.PARENT.PARENT.PutFileX(FULLPATH("") + pcFolderStyle) ELSE lcFileIni = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni ENDIF WITH _SCREEN.oRibbon IF !EMPTY(lcFileIni) IF FILE(lcFileIni) DELETE FILE (lcFileIni) ENDIF STRTOFILE(";" + REPLICATE("-", 50) + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; _SCREEN.oRibon PROPERTIES " + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE(";" + REPLICATE("-", 50) + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; Class name : " + ._ClassName + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; Version : " + ._Version + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; Date : " + ._Date + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; Author : " + ._Author + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE("; Email : " + ._Email + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE(";" + REPLICATE("-", 50) + lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) STRTOFILE(lcSkip, lcFileIni, 1) .FileIni = pcFolderStyle + "\" + JUSTFNAME(lcFileIni) .Settings() WITH THISFORM .REFRESH() .HEIGHT = 668 .WIDTH = 900 .AUTOCENTER = .T. .CHANGE(.F.) .Old_cFontName = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFontName .Old_SeeOutLineGroup = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SeeOutLineGroup .Old_AutoTabClick = _SCREEN.oRibbon.AutoTabClick ENDWITH *-- ScreenShot WITH _SCREEN.SYSTEM.Drawing lnWidth = 450 lnHeight = 334 loSrcImage = .BITMAP.New(.BITMAP.FromScreen(THISFORM.HWND)) loThumbnail = loSrcImage.GetThumbnailImage(lnWidth, lnHeight) loThumbnail.SAVE(SUBSTR(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni, 1, LEN(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FileIni) - 4) + ".jpg", .Imaging.ImageFormat.JPEG) ENDWITH **-- ENDIF ENDWITH ENDPROC ;PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "SelectedTabFontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.SelectedTabFontColor ENDPROC .PROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1 = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.ReDraw() THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackColor1 = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1 ENDPROC [Anchor = 10 Top = 85 Left = 8 Width = 195 Height = 22 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh3" Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" bTop = 0 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 143 Name = "_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Picture = ..\images\cubes16.png _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" Top = 71 Left = 12 Width = 250 Height = 22 TabIndex = 17 ZOrderSet = 11 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh2" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 6 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "BackColor1" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" } dd% UTC%.B"%C sp_delspl>C Se borr el buffer correctamente@ ConfirmacinxUVDAT FCREATECONECTPDATACALLSQLClick,1q!A!AA3)d %UNTwinC7QFORM$forms\view_consJUPNOMFORMGETNAMEFORMSClick,1Q!A1v)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_ven name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\inp_bloq name (pnomform) ENDPROC  foxribbon.vcx _sidebargroup Ribbongroup1 container %qU1 C%CCCC$iCC$HCC$%UTHISSETVALUEInit,1Q2i) foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "FontColor = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor ENDPROC Top = 2 Left = 2 Width = 158 Height = 88 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 71 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 129 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 5 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.TabIndex = 6 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1"  Top = 773 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 143 Name = "_sidebargroup4" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "FoxRibbon" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" 2Top = 3 Left = 230 Height = 66 TabIndex = 5 cancel = .F. disabledpicture = c:\vfp8\foxribbon_v_0_13\images\disa_floppy_red.png helptxt = Save style file helptxt_id = MFTAB1BUT4H2 helptitle = Save helptitle_id = MFTAB1BUT4 border = .F. lcurvature = .T. swapcolors = .F. Name = "save" Image1.Picture = ..\images\floppy_red.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 17 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Save" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 64 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1BUT4 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Fx" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 6 Q%U[(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\proc_penaJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)+Width = 616 Height = 92 Name = "panel6" +Width = 529 Height = 92 Name = "panel3"  ribbongroup Ribbongroup1 foxribbon.vcxPROCEDURE Click LOCAL lnOldColor, lnColor lnOldColor = THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR lnColor= GETCOLOR(lnOldColor) IF lnColor >= 0 THIS._Shape.BACKCOLOR = lnColor _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround = lnColor THISFORM.Ribbon1.ReDraw() IF lnOldColor # lnColor THIS.RibbonLabel1.INIT() THISFORM.Change(.T.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Ribbonlabel1.redraw DODEFAULT() THIS.CAPTION = "BackGround = " + _SCREEN.oRibbon.ntoRGB(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround) THIS.PARENT._Shape.BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackGround ENDPROC 5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\inp_bloqJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1) containerSTop = 459 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 128 Name = "_sidebargroup3" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Gradient background" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFGROUPGRADIENT _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 16 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 28 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" Top = 143 Left = 2 Width = 203 Height = 144 Name = "_sidebargroup2" _sidebartitle1.Image1.ZOrderSet = 0 _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Group title" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 45 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Top = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.ZOrderSet = 4 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = SB0003 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Picture = ..\images\about32.png _sidebartitle1.Image2.Height = 32 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Left = 6 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Top = 4 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Width = 32 _sidebartitle1.Image2.ZOrderSet = 1 _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.ZOrderSet = 2 _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "Help text" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Left = 45 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Top = 22 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.lfontalternate = .T. _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2._idtranslate = SB0004 _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Top = 0 _sidebartitle1.Left = 0 _sidebartitle1.Width = 202 _sidebartitle1.Height = 42 _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" 1Top = 2 Left = 2 Width = 438 Height = 88 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Style file and properties" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 15 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 1 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 71 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 414 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 8 Ribbonlabel1._idtranslate = MFTAB1GROUP1 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Visible = .T. Ribbonbuttongroup1.TabIndex = 9 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1" FontBold = .T. FontName = "Times New Roman" FontSize = 11 Alignment = 2 BackStyle = 0 Caption = "Diciembre" Height = 16 Left = 10 Top = 114 Width = 73 ForeColor = 255,255,255 Name = "mes" FontBold = .T. FontName = "Times New Roman" FontSize = 11 Alignment = 2 BackStyle = 0 Caption = "RUC" Height = 18 Left = 5 Top = 34 Width = 85 ForeColor = 64,0,64 Name = "Label2" 9PROCEDURE savechanges LOCAL lcMessageTitle, lcMessageText, lnAnswer, lcButtons IF THISFORM.lChange lcMessageTitle = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OTH002", "Warning") lcMessageText = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("MFQUESTION1", "The style has changed. Save changes?") lcButtons = _SCREEN.oRibbon.Translate("OTH007", "\ 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\empresa.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Abrir Empresas" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT"  ribbonbuttonv ribbonbuttonv+Width = 671 Height = 92 Name = "panel4"  foxribbon.vcx5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\proc_venJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\inp_trans name (pnomform) ENDPROC  /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) ribbonbuttonvTop = 3 Left = 3 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,2,1) = "0" helptxt = Aade, modifica y borra almacenes Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\sucursal.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Almacenes" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" 5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\man_ordtJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1)+Width = 785 Height = 91 Name = "panel1" +Width = 772 Height = 92 Name = "panel5" panel3.Ribbongroup1 ribbongroup> %%A%Uc(TwinCC Z7QFORM&forms\inp_desproJ1UPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!a1)% Ҥ%[qiU CCC$UTHISSETVALUEInit,124)panel6.Ribbongroup1 foxribbon.vcxTop = 117 Left = 5 Width = 133 Height = 40 pageclass = page4 Name = "_menutabsbutton4" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 53 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 12 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Shape2.Name = "Shape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Top = 78 Left = 5 Width = 133 Height = 40 pageclass = page3 Name = "_menutabsbutton3" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 53 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 12 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Shape2.Name = "Shape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" 5 Ƶ%UZ(TwinCC Z7QFORMforms\man_provJUPNOMFORM PRINCIPALPOBARRA ITEMCOUNTFORMSClick,1!1) %Pe_UFORMS\example2UFORMSClick,1a1') Ribbongroup1Ribbonbuttonv1 Ribbongroup2 Ribbongroup1 containerPROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\proc_ccp name (pnomform) with 1,"E" ENDPROC  ribbonbuttonvTop = 3 Left = 275 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,26,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv5" Image1.Picture = images\copyt.bmp Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Actualiza saldos" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 39 Left = 5 Width = 133 Height = 40 pageclass = page2 Name = "_menutabsbutton2" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 11 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 53 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 12 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Shape2.Name = "Shape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Top = 0 Left = 5 Width = 133 Height = 40 pageclass = page1 Name = "_menutabsbutton1" Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 11 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Recientes" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 53 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 12 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Shape2.Name = "Shape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" 6Top = 282 Left = 343 Width = 78 Height = 26 Name = "Ribboncommandbutton1" Image1.Picture = defaultimages\close.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Top = 5 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "E\ 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh6" IMAGE1.Picture = ..\ IMAGE1.Height = 16 IMAGE1.Width = 16 IMAGE1.Name = "IMAGE1" XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" SHAPE1.Name = "SHAPE1" COMMAND1.Name = "COMMAND1" IMAGE2.Name = "IMAGE2" RIBBONLABEL1.Caption = "Cut" RIBBONLABEL1.Left = 17 RIBBONLABEL1.Name = "RIBBONLABEL1" RIBBONLABEL2.Caption = "" RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT"  /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\res_ven name (pnomform) ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+getname() public (pnomform) as form do form forms\inp_ncnd with "07" name (pnomform) ENDPROC JTop = 0 Left = 0 Width = 200 Height = 120 Name = "_sidebargroup1" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1"  /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o) /%U=  & forms\accesoJCUTHISFORMHIDERELEASEFORMSTHISTAGPNOMFORMClick,1a2o)vWidth = 433 Height = 337 Name = "mystartbutton" StartPanel._Shape1.Name = "_Shape1" StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Menu Pcont" StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Left = 3 StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Top = 5 StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Width = 422 StartPanel.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" StartPanel._Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" StartPanel._Image1.Name = "_Image1" StartPanel.Shadow.Name = "Shadow" StartPanel._Image2.Height = 34 StartPanel._Image2.Left = 3 StartPanel._Image2.Top = 276 StartPanel._Image2.Width = 422 StartPanel._Image2.Name = "_Image2" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Timer1.Name = "Timer1" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Top = 1 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Left = 138 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Height = 252 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Width = 283 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.ShapeTabs.Name = "ShapeTabs" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Shape2.Name = "Shape2" StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Top = 22 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Left = 2 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Width = 423 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Height = 254 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.firsttabclick = _menutabsbutton1 StartPanel._MENUTABS1.lcurvature = .F. StartPanel._MENUTABS1.Name = "_MENUTABS1" StartPanel.Top = 24 StartPanel.Left = 1 StartPanel.Width = 430 StartPanel.Height = 312 StartPanel.Name = "StartPanel" Image2.Height = 38 Image2.Width = 38 Image2.Name = "Image2" Image1.Height = 38 Image1.Width = 38 Image1.Name = "Image1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image3.Picture = images\asiento.png Image3.Stretch = 1 Image3.Height = 24 Image3.Width = 24 Image3.Name = "Image3" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Top = 24 Left = 12 Width = 336 Height = 22 TabIndex = 2 ZOrderSet = 3 cskipforexp = pnumwin > 0 Name = "Ribbonbuttonh1" Image1.Picture = ..\ Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Visible = .F. Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Cut" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 4 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Caption = "" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  3%)+8U3forms\inp_email(%CUB$TCCC|\>TCCC|C|C|\>TCCC|C|C|\!TCCC|\TC JMail.MessageNTaT aT a(T coelectric@speedy.com.peT  COELECTRIC T  T+C; /%CCCC; \ 92CCCC; \>TCC; C; C; 6T  %CCC\ CCC\+Ccoelectric_1985@hotmail.comTT%C09C-T 180119571801(Tcoelectric@speedy.com.pe&TCsmtp.speedy.com.pe %)CMensaje enviado!0EXITO..x*CMensaje no enviado!EROORxUVVAR11OEMAILLOKFORMSVDESTVASUNTOVADJUNTOVMENSAJELOGGINGSILENT RETURNRECEIPTFROMFROMNAMEIINI ADDRECIPIENTADDRECIPIENTBCCSUBJECTBODY ADDATTACHMENTMAILSERVERPASSWORDMAILSERVERUSERNAMESENDClick,12AAB!AAA"AaA2U)  %0h@U %C pvent.rec0Q pvent.rec T~C mTCCZ`this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..ribbonlabel1.Caption = alltrim(str(recno(),2,0))+".- "+pvent.dato /this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..tag = pvent.dato :this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..cskipforexp = [pnumwin > 0] 'this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..redraw() TQ( TCCZ.this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..visible = .F. UNITEMLVALORPVENTRECDATOIredraw,1AqqAAqqAA2+)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\man_ordt name (pnomform) ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click if this.Tag = "1" this.Picture = "vcx\images\pins.png" this.Tag = "0" this.Parent.Width = 104 - 10 this.Parent._Shape1.Width = 103 - 10 this.Parent._Shape2.Width = 101 - 10 this.Parent._Image1.Width = 100 - 10 else this.Picture = "vcx\images\pin.png" this.Tag = "1" this.Parent.Width = 411 this.Parent._Shape1.Width = 410 this.Parent._Shape2.Width = 408 this.Parent._Image1.Width = 407 endif ENDPROC ' +%\ U*TaUNBUTTONNSHIFTNXCOORDNYCOORDTHISPARENTIMAGE1VISIBLE*T-UNBUTTONNSHIFTNXCOORDNYCOORDTHISPARENTIMAGE1VISIBLE-* forms\fmenuJUFORMSFMENUSTHISFORMHWND MouseLeave, MouseEnterClick 11B41A3; ): !!%U9%1#Tvcx\images\pins.pngT0T^T]T[TZ2"Tvcx\images\pin.pngT1TTTTUTHISTAGPICTUREPARENTWIDTH_SHAPE1_SHAPE2_IMAGE1Click,1Q11aaa!AqqqA1)! F:%~UCUTHISPARENTRIBBONTEXTBOX1 THISENABLEDVALUEValid,12E)Top = 3 Left = 344 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv8" Image1.Picture = images\email.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Envio de correos" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 52 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 284 Width = 75 Height = 66 TabIndex = 4 helptxt = Reporta el Balance de Comprobacin helptitle = Balance de Comprobacin cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,106,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv5" Image1.Picture = images\mayore.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 21 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Caja y Bancos" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 2 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 70 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 1Top = 120 Left = 0 Name = "_sidebargroup2" _sidebartitle1.Image1.Name = "Image1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" _sidebartitle1.Image2.Name = "Image2" _sidebartitle1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" _sidebartitle1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" _sidebartitle1.Name = "_sidebartitle1" ?Top = 3 Left = 145 TabIndex = 1 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,46,1) = "0" helptitle = Tablas helptxt = Reporta saldos mensuales Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\listap.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Cuentas por cobrar" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" f MMD*% U? C 8CCUTHISDEFAULTZORDER PROPERTIES\{ALT+F4}UInit, Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Click1A31^ )MTop = 3 Left = 343 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,27,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv6" Image1.Picture = images\barcode.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Procesar entregas" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 1 Left = 77 Width = 24 Height = 24 TabIndex = 2 Name = "properties" Image1.Picture = images\calculadoral.png Image1.Height = 16 Image1.Left = 4 Image1.Top = 4 Image1.Width = 16 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 480 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv7" Image1.Picture = images\diseno.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Corte para chimenea" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 52 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" ^PROCEDURE Init WITH THIS .BORDERWIDTH = 0 .BACKSTYLE = 0 ENDWITH WITH THIS.RibbonLabel1 .BORDERSTYLE = 0 .FORECOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.FontColor .LEFT = 7 .TOP = 7 .WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH - 6 .ZORDER(1) .ReDraw() ENDWITH WITH THIS._Image1 .PICTURE = _SCREEN.oRibbon.cFileBMP6 .LEFT = 2 .TOP = 2 *.HEIGHT = 18 .WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH - 4 .ZORDER(1) ENDWITH WITH THIS._Shape2 .BORDERCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor2 .BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ChangeColor(_SCREEN.oRibbon.BackColor1, _SCREEN.oRibbon.nFactorBackcolor) .LEFT = 1 .TOP = 1 .HEIGHT = THIS.HEIGHT - 2 .WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH - 2 .ZORDER(1) ENDWITH WITH THIS._Shape1 .BORDERCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.LinesColor .LEFT = 0 .TOP = 0 .HEIGHT = THIS.HEIGHT .WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH .ZORDER(1) ENDWITH WITH THIS.SHADOW .LEFT = 10 .TOP = 10 .HEIGHT = THIS.HEIGHT - 6 .WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH - 6 .ZORDER(1) .BACKCOLOR = _SCREEN.oRibbon.ShadowColor .VISIBLE = THIS.lShadow IF .VISIBLE THIS.WIDTH = THIS.WIDTH + 3 THIS.HEIGHT = THIS.HEIGHT + 3 ENDIF ENDWITH this.image2.Click ENDPROC PROCEDURE MouseLeave LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord *IF THIS.PARENT.HEIGHT = 38 THIS.PARENT.image1.VISIBLE = .T. *ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE MouseEnter LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord THIS.PARENT.image1.VISIBLE = .F. ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click *!* WITH THIS.PARENT *!* .Command1.SETFOCUS() *!* .ReDraw() *!* .ZORDER(0) *!* IF .HEIGHT = 38 *!* .image1.VISIBLE = .F. *!* .WIDTH = THISFORM.WIDTH *!* .HEIGHT = THISFORM.HEIGHT + 19 do form forms\fmenu name fmenus with 2,25,THISFORM.HWND *!* *.StartPanel.VISIBLE = .T. *!* ELSE *!* .image1.VISIBLE = .T. *!* .WIDTH = 44 *!* .HEIGHT = 38 *!* *fmenus.release *!* *.StartPanel.VISIBLE = .F. *!* ENDIF *!* ENDWITH ENDPROC Top = 3 Left = 207 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,25,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\lock_32.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Bloqueo de artculos" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  @%F'Us l(h%%CCredrawhdCCULNITHIS CONTROLCOUNTCONTROLSCLASSREDRAWB mTTTTT,T& TaC  C  C TCC a-6 ;TTTC UTHIS BORDERWIDTH BACKSTYLETOPLEFTWIDTHHEIGHTVISIBLEIMAGE1ZORDERIMAGE2IMAGE3PICTURESHAPE1 BORDERSTYLECUTHISSHAPE1CLICKredraw,InitClick1qQ1AAA2AAAAA4Q2  $2)PROCEDURE Click pnomform = "win"+alltrim(str(principalp.obarra.itemcount + 1,10,0)) public (pnomform) as form do form forms\res_com name (pnomform) ENDPROC 6PROCEDURE redraw local nitem,lvalor if file('pvent.rec') use pvent.rec shared nitem = 1 scan for !empty(pvent.dato) lvalor = alltrim(str(nitem,2,0)) this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..ribbonlabel1.Caption = alltrim(str(recno(),2,0))+".- "+pvent.dato this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..tag = pvent.dato this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..cskipforexp = [pnumwin > 0] this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..redraw() nitem = nitem + 1 endscan use for i = nitem to 10 lvalor = alltrim(str(i,2,0)) this.ribbonbuttonh&lvalor..visible = .F. endfor endif ENDPROC \.jpg'()&U*TLNAME LCFILEINILNWIDTHLNHEIGHT LOSRCIMAGE LOTHUMBNAILLCSKIP PCFOLDERSTYLETHISPARENTPUTFILEXORIBBONFILEINI _CLASSNAME_VERSION_DATE_AUTHOR_EMAILSETTINGSTHISFORMREFRESHHEIGHTWIDTH AUTOCENTERCHANGE OLD_CFONTNAME CFONTNAMEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPSEEOUTLINEGROUPOLD_AUTOTABCLICK AUTOTABCLICKSYSTEMDRAWINGBITMAPNEW FROMSCREENHWNDGETTHUMBNAILIMAGESAVEIMAGING IMAGEFORMATJPEGClick,1qARA!AA!!111A"ABA3L)eTop = 3 Left = 412 TabIndex = 5 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,63,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro caja helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro caja y bancos y flujo de caja Name = "Ribbonbuttonv7" Image1.Picture = images\caja.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Ordenes de Compra" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %AhU%&TCOTH002Warning9HTC MFQUESTION1$The style has changed. Save changes?9fTCOTH007\>J% Ue%@TCaC\{TAB}UTHISVALUETHISFORM OLD_CFONTNAMECHANGERIBBON1REDRAWValid,1q1A5)>C **G%UOC%HTCaUTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWTHISVALUEOLD_SEEOUTLINEGROUPCHANGEValid,1q1A1)*@ ''4f%UOC%HTCaUTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAWTHISVALUEOLD_AUTOTABCLICKCHANGEValid,1q1A2)' %I%U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON LINESCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T LinesColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB LINESCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawX111!AA31Cm) % pLU TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEc C<TSelectedButtonFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDBUTTONFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawe111!AA31Pz<) %f@U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDCOLOR2REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEZ C3TSelectedColor2 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDCOLOR2PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawk111!AA311b3) %f@U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDCOLOR1REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEZ C3TSelectedColor1 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDCOLOR1PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawk111!AA311b3)  %X4U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONBUTTONFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TButtonFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBBUTTONFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw]111!AA3A2Hr) {%^:U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFOREDISABLETHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE] C6TInEditForeDisable = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFOREDISABLEPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw_111!AA3a1Jt$)Top = 3 Left = 412 TabIndex = 1 Name = "Ribbonbuttonv6" Image1.Picture = images\diseno.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Doblez de planchas" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 52 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %U5$CC-a6CaUTHISPARENT THISENABLEDVALUEValid,1A2`)_Top = 3 Left = 344 TabIndex = 5 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,63,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro caja helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro caja y bancos y flujo de caja Name = "Ribbonbuttonv6" Image1.Picture = images\caja.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Retenciones" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" eTop = 3 Left = 276 TabIndex = 5 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,63,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro caja helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro caja y bancos y flujo de caja Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\caja.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Precios de Compra" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  ±% [7U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFRAMECOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE\ C5TInEditFrameColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFRAMECOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw^111!AA3Q1Is ) %iCU TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITFORECOLORREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TInEditForeColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITFORECOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawl111!AA3A1c7) %oIU TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITBACKDISABLEREDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE] C6TInEditBackDisable = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITBACKDISABLEPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawn111!AA3a1e?)  %X4U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONINEDITBACKCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE[ C4TInEditBackColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBINEDITBACKCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw]111!AA3A2Hr)g NN% Upi%I)TC-a6eTaUTHISPARENTTHISFORMLCHANGE MYTITLEBAR RIBBONLABEL1VISIBLETimer,1AAA3)NPROCEDURE redraw LOCAL lnI WITH THIS FOR lnI = 1 TO .CONTROLCOUNT IF PEMSTATUS(.CONTROLS(lnI).CLASS, "redraw", 5) .CONTROLS(lnI).ReDraw() ENDIF ENDFOR ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init WITH THIS .BORDERWIDTH = 0 .BACKSTYLE = 0 .TOP = 6 .LEFT = 1 .WIDTH = 44 .HEIGHT = 38 .VISIBLE = .T. ENDWITH WITH THIS.Image1 *.TOP = 0 *.LEFT = 6 .ZORDER(1) ENDWITH WITH THIS.Image2 * .TOP = 0 * .LEFT = 6 .ZORDER(1) ENDWITH WITH THIS.Image3 *.TOP = 7 *.LEFT = 13 .ZORDER(0) .VISIBLE = IIF(!EMPTY(.PICTURE), .T., .F.) ENDWITH WITH THIS.Shape1 .TOP = 0 .LEFT = 6 .BORDERSTYLE = 0 .ZORDER(0) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click THIS.shape1.CLICK() MOUSE CLICK ENDPROC Top = 3 Left = 139 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,24,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\transfe.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Trans. entre almacenes" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %L(U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON SHADOWCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEW C0TShadowColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB SHADOWCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawY111!AA31Dn ) ~%R.U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON FORMBACKCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEY C2TFormBackColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB FORMBACKCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redraw[111!AA3!1Fp)&Top = 3 Left = 209 TabIndex = 1 helptxt = Reporta el Balance General helptitle = Balance General cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,82,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\asiento.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Consulta Detallada" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 275 helptitle = Borrar buffer helptxt = Borra el bufer de la impresora ante un error Name = "Ribbonbuttonv5" Image1.Picture = images\impresorab.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = " Borrar Buffer" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" jPROCEDURE actualiza vok = .F. vfecha = date() this._panel1.dia.Caption = padl(alltrim(str(day(vfecha),2,0)),2,"0") this._panel1.mes.Caption = cmonth(vfecha) this._panel1.fecha.Caption = cdow(vfecha) this._panel1.ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Vencimiento Ao : "+ str(year(vfecha),4,0) vdat=fcreateconect(pbase) if vdat <> 0 local vnum = sqlexec(vdat, "select a.periodo,b.descripcio,a.comentario,a.ruc,b.codigo_emp from vencimiento a left join empresa b on a.ruc=substring(b.ruc from 11 for 1) where a.fecha = ?vfecha order by 2", "calma") vnum=1 scan this._panel1.lista.AddListItem(periodo,vnum,1) this._panel1.lista.AddListItem(iif(isnull(descripcio),"",descripcio),vnum,2) this._panel1.lista.AddListItem(comentario,vnum,3) this._panel1.lista.AddListItem(iif(isnull(codigo_emp),"",codigo_emp),vnum,4) this._panel1.ruc.Caption = ruc vnum=vnum+1 if !isnull(descripcio) vok = .T. endif endscan use if vdat > 0 =sqldisconnect(vdat) endif endif if vok = .T. this._panel1.image2.Tag = "0" this._panel1.image2.click endif ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init this.actualiza() ENDPROC  '%Z4U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKCOLOR2REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackColor2 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKCOLOR2PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawg111!AA31^#) Q%U,)TC-a6UTHISPARENT RIBBONLABEL3FONTBOLDTimer,13i)( .%U CCUTHIS RIBBONLABEL3REDRAW forms\SideBarUFORMSredraw,Clickh13Q1;Wl)Name = "mytitlebar" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.Buttonmin.Name = "Buttonmin" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.buttonmax.Name = "buttonmax" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Height = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Width = 16 Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image1.Name = "Image1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Command1.Name = "Command1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Image2.Name = "Image2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Controlbuttons.buttonclose.Name = "buttonclose" Controlbuttons.TabIndex = 6 Controlbuttons.Name = "Controlbuttons" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 17 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 180 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 321 Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 8 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Command1.TabIndex = 7 Command1.Name = "Command1" Top = 3 Left = 225 Width = 72 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,44,1) = "0" helptitle = Tablas helptxt = Reporta saldos por contribuyente Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\new doc.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Guia de Remisin" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 4 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 2Top = 3 Left = 71 TabIndex = 2 helptxt = helptitle = Reportes de Compras cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,103,1) = "0" path_form_menu = forms\men_com Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\rc.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Compras" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" PTop = 3 Left = 139 TabIndex = 3 helptxt = Reporta la Hoja de trabajo helptitle = Hoja de trabajo cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,104,1) = "0" path_form_menu = forms\men_alm Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\diarioe.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Almacenes" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %_vnU#6CUTHISPARENTREFRESHClick,1Q23)Top = 3 Left = 3 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,22,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\bejer.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Kardex" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 1Top = 3 Left = 208 TabIndex = 4 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,62,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro mayor helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro mayor Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = images\notebook.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Guias sin Comprobante" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  '%Z4U TTC%TT9C9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKCOLOR1REDRAWTHISFORMRIBBON1 RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackColor1 = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKCOLOR1PARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawg111!AA31^#)cTop = 2 Left = 314 Width = 214 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Otros" Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 6 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _SHAPE2.Name = "_SHAPE2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Height = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Width = 32 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image1.Name = "Image1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Command1.Name = "Command1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x1.Name = "x1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x2.Name = "x2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z1.Name = "z1" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z2.Name = "z2" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x6.Name = "x6" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x5.Name = "x5" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x4.Name = "x4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.x3.Name = "x3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z3.Name = "z3" Ribbonbuttongroup1.z4.Name = "z4" Ribbonbuttongroup1.TabIndex = 7 Ribbonbuttongroup1.Name = "Ribbonbuttongroup1" ! %U=)TCC$9 C^TUTHISPARENTTIMECAPTIONORIBBON C_CDATEEXINTERVALTimer,12w)Top = 3 Left = 151 Width = 72 Height = 66 TabIndex = 1 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,44,1) = "0" helptitle = Tablas helptxt = Reporta saldos por contribuyente Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\new doc.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Nota de debito" Ribbonlabel1.Left = 4 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 207 helptitle = Microsoft Word helptxt = Abre nuevo documento de Microsoft Word Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\word.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Microsoft Word" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" hTop = 3 Left = 140 TabIndex = 5 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,63,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro caja helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro caja y bancos y flujo de caja Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\caja.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Artculos por Llegar" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" = $$:%U 9Ta*C Please waitProcessing... (P-CProcessing... C_PaCP C +CWarningEnd of process a T-U LNCOUNTERORIBBONTHISFORM MYSTATUSBAR _PROGRESSBAR1VISIBLEWAITON WAITREFRESHPROGRESSWAITOFFMSGBOXClick,1qAABA2)$Top = 3 Left = 139 helptitle = Microsoft Excel helptxt = Abre nuevo documento de Microsoft Excel Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\excel.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Microsoft Excel" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" bTop = 3 Left = 72 TabIndex = 5 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,63,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro caja helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro caja y bancos y flujo de caja Name = "Ribbonbuttonv5" Image1.Picture = images\tc.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Cuentas por pagar" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 54 Marlett.Top = 54 Marlett.Name = "Marlett" -Top = 3 Left = 4 TabIndex = 4 cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,62,1) = "0" helptitle = Libro mayor helptxt_id = helptxt = Reporta el libro mayor Name = "Ribbonbuttonv4" Image1.Picture = images\notebook.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Registro de Compras" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 71 helptitle = Configura Impresora helptxt = Abre la configuracin de la impresora Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = images\impresora.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Configura Impresora" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" Top = 3 Left = 3 helptitle = Calculadora helptxt = Ejecuta la calculadora del sistema Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\calculadora.png Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Calculadora" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  %I%U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON BACKGROUNDTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEV C/T BackGround = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB BACKGROUNDPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawX111!AA33Cm )sTop = 3 Left = 3 TabIndex = 1 helptxt = Reporta los movimientos y consultas de ventas helptitle = Reportes de ventas cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,102,1) = "0" path_form_menu = forms\men_ven Name = "Ribbonbuttonv1" Image1.Picture = images\repven.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Ventas" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 52 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  )!%gCU TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBONSELECTEDTABFONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGE` C9TSelectedTabFontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGBSELECTEDTABFONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawb111!AA31Mw0)KTop = 3 Left = 71 TabIndex = 1 helptxt = Configura los comprobantes helptitle = Configuracin cskipforexp = empty(pruc) path_form_menu = forms\men_conf Name = "Ribbonbuttonv6" Image1.Picture = images\config.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Configura Documentos" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Left = 52 Marlett.Top = 26 Marlett.Name = "Marlett"  aK%F"U TTC%TT9C %C Ca U LNOLDCOLORLNCOLORTHIS_SHAPE BACKCOLORORIBBON FONTCOLORTHISFORMRIBBON1REDRAW RIBBONLABEL1INITCHANGEU C.T FontColor = C99T9UTHISCAPTIONORIBBONNTORGB FONTCOLORPARENT_SHAPE BACKCOLORClick,Ribbonlabel1.redrawW111!AA31Bl)$Top = 3 Left = 140 TabIndex = 1 helptxt = Reporta el Balance General helptitle = Balance General cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,82,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv3" Image1.Picture = images\asiento.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Consulta General" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" 7 %Ue*TCSB0002 Hello World91CI FoxRibbon\0 if !empty(alltrim(substr(vdest,ini+1,at(";",vdest,i)-ini-1))) oEmail.AddRecipient(alltrim(substr(vdest,ini+1,at(";",vdest,i)-ini-1)),"") endif ini = iif(at(";",vdest,i)<>0,at(";",vdest,i),at(";",vdest,i-1)) i= i+1 enddo if !empty(alltrim(substr(vdest,ini+1))) oEmail.AddRecipient(alltrim(substr(vdest,ini+1)),"") endif ***************************** oEmail.AddRecipientBCC("coelectric_1985@hotmail.com") *oEmail.AddRecipientCC("oscarpinolechuga@gmail.com","h") oEmail.Subject = vasunto oEmail.Body = vmensaje *oEmail.HTMLBody = FILETOSTR("mensaje.html") if file(vadjunto) *oEmail.AddAttachment("c:\pvent\cip.png",.T.) oEmail.AddAttachment(vadjunto,.F.) endif oEmail.MailServerPassword = "180119571801" oEmail.MailServerUserName = "coelectric@speedy.com.pe" lOk = oEmail.SEND("smtp.speedy.com.pe") IF lOk MESSAGEBOX("Mensaje enviado!",48,"EXITO..") ELSE MESSAGEBOX("Mensaje no enviado!",16,"EROOR") endif ENDPROC -Top = 2 Left = 212 Width = 550 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Utilitarios" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _SHAPE2.Name = "_SHAPE2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Height = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Width = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Name = "Image1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Command1.Name = "Command1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image2.Name = "Image2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X1.Name = "X1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X2.Name = "X2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z1.Name = "Z1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z2.Name = "Z2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X6.Name = "X6" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X5.Name = "X5" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X4.Name = "X4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X3.Name = "X3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z3.Name = "Z3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z4.Name = "Z4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Name = "RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1" 'Top = 2 Left = 2 Width = 208 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "General" Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _SHAPE2.Name = "_SHAPE2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Height = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Width = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Name = "Image1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.XSHAPE2.Name = "XSHAPE2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Command1.Name = "Command1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image2.Name = "Image2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.RIBBONLABEL2.Name = "RIBBONLABEL2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.MARLETT.Name = "MARLETT" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X1.Name = "X1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X2.Name = "X2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z1.Name = "Z1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z2.Name = "Z2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X6.Name = "X6" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X5.Name = "X5" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X4.Name = "X4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X3.Name = "X3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z3.Name = "Z3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z4.Name = "Z4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Name = "RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1" Top = 3 Left = 207 Width = 75 Height = 66 TabIndex = 4 helptxt = Reporta el Balance de Comprobacin helptitle = Balance de Comprobacin cskipforexp = empty(pruc) or substr(pmacceso,105,1) = "0" Name = "Ribbonbuttonv2" Image1.Picture = images\mayore.png Image1.Stretch = 2 Image1.Height = 32 Image1.Left = 21 Image1.Width = 32 Image1.Name = "Image1" xShape2.Name = "xShape2" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Command1.Name = "Command1" Image2.Name = "Image2" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "Personalizado" Ribbonlabel1.Height = 28 Ribbonlabel1.Left = 2 Ribbonlabel1.Top = 37 Ribbonlabel1.Width = 70 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" Marlett.Name = "Marlett" cTop = 2 Left = 2 Width = 363 Height = 89 Name = "Ribbongroup1" Shape1.Name = "Shape1" Ribbonlabel1.Caption = "General" Ribbonlabel1.TabIndex = 5 Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" Image1.Name = "Image1" _Shape2.Name = "_Shape2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Height = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Width = 32 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image1.Name = "Image1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.xShape2.Name = "xShape2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Shape1.Name = "Shape1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Command1.Name = "Command1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Image2.Name = "Image2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Ribbonlabel1.Name = "Ribbonlabel1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Ribbonlabel2.Name = "Ribbonlabel2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Marlett.Name = "Marlett" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X1.Name = "X1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X2.Name = "X2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z1.Name = "Z1" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z2.Name = "Z2" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X6.Name = "X6" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X5.Name = "X5" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X4.Name = "X4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.X3.Name = "X3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z3.Name = "Z3" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Z4.Name = "Z4" RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.TabIndex = 6 RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1.Name = "RIBBONBUTTONGROUP1"