# ESC/POS Print Driver for PHP [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mike42/escpos-php.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mike42/escpos-php) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/mike42/escpos-php/v/stable)](https://packagist.org/packages/mike42/escpos-php) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/mike42/escpos-php/downloads)](https://packagist.org/packages/mike42/escpos-php) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/mike42/escpos-php/license)](https://packagist.org/packages/mike42/escpos-php) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/mike42/escpos-php/badge.svg?branch=development)](https://coveralls.io/github/mike42/escpos-php?branch=development) This project implements a subset of Epson's ESC/POS protocol for thermal receipt printers. It allows you to generate and print receipts with basic formatting, cutting, and barcodes on a compatible printer. The library was developed to add drop-in support for receipt printing to any PHP app, including web-based point-of-sale (POS) applications. ## Compatibility ### Interfaces and operating systems This driver is known to work with the following OS/interface combinations:
  Linux Mac Windows
Ethernet Yes Yes Yes
USB Yes Not tested Yes
USB-serial Yes Yes Yes
Serial Yes Yes Yes
Parallel Yes Not tested Yes
SMB shared Yes No Yes
CUPS hosted Yes Yes No
### Printers Many thermal receipt printers support ESC/POS to some degree. This driver has been known to work with: - AURES ODP-333 - AURES ODP-500 - Bixolon SRP-350III - Citizen CBM1000-II - Daruma DR800 - EPOS TEP 220M - Epson TM-T88III - Epson TM-T88IV - Epson TM-T88V - Epson TM-T70 - Epson TM-T82II - Epson TM-T20 - Epson TM-T70II - Epson TM-U220 - Epson FX-890 (requires `feedForm()` to release paper). - Excelvan HOP-E58 - Excelvan HOP-E200 - Excelvan HOP-E801 - Excelvan ZJ-8220 - Gainscha GP-5890x (Also marketed as EC Line 5890x) - Gainscha GP-U80300I (Also marketed as gprinter GP-U80300I) - gprinter GP-U80160I - Hasar HTP 250 - Metapace T-1 - Okipos 80 Plus III - P-822D - P85A-401 (make unknown) - Rongta RP326US - Rongta RP58-U - SEYPOS PRP-300 (Also marketed as TYSSO PRP-300) - Silicon SP-201 / RP80USE - Star TSP100 ECO - Star TSP-650 - Star TUP-592 - SPRT SP-POS88V - Xprinter F-900 - Xprinter XP-Q800 - Venus V248T - Zjiang NT-58H - Zjiang ZJ-5870 - Zjiang ZJ-5890T (Marketed as POS 5890T) - Zjiang ZJ-5890K If you use any other printer with this code, please [let us know](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/issues/new) so that it can be added to the list. ## Basic usage ### Include the library #### Composer If you are using composer, then add `mike42/escpos-php` as a dependency: ```bash composer require mike42/escpos-php ``` In this case, you would include composer's auto-loader at the top of your source files: ```php text("Hello World!\n"); $printer -> cut(); $printer -> close(); ``` Some examples are below for common interfaces. Communicate with a printer with an Ethernet interface using `netcat`: ```bash php hello-world.php | nc 10.x.x.x. 9100 ``` A USB local printer connected with `usblp` on Linux has a device file (Includes USB-parallel interfaces): ```bash php hello-world.php > /dev/usb/lp0 ``` A computer installed into the local `cups` server is accessed through `lp` or `lpr`: ```bash php hello-world.php > foo.txt lpr -o raw -H localhost -P printer foo.txt ``` A local or networked printer on a Windows computer is mapped in to a file, and generally requires you to share the printer first: ``` php hello-world.php > foo.txt net use LPT1 \\server\printer copy foo.txt LPT1 del foo.txt ``` If you have troubles at this point, then you should consult your OS and printer system documentation to try to find a working print command. ### Using a PrintConnector To print receipts from PHP, use the most applicable [PrintConnector](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/tree/master/src/Mike42/Escpos/PrintConnectors) for your setup. The connector simply provides the plumbing to get data to the printer. For example, a `NetworkPrintConnector` accepts an IP address and port: ```php use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\NetworkPrintConnector; use Mike42\Escpos\Printer; $connector = new NetworkPrintConnector("10.x.x.x", 9100); $printer = new Printer($connector); try { // ... Print stuff } finally { $printer -> close(); } ``` While a serial printer might use: ```php use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\FilePrintConnector; use Mike42\Escpos\Printer; $connector = new FilePrintConnector("/dev/ttyS0"); $printer = new Printer($connector); ``` For each OS/interface combination that's supported, there are examples in the compatibility section of how a `PrintConnector` would be constructed. If you can't get a `PrintConnector` to work, then be sure to include the working print command in bug. ### Using a CapabilityProfile Support for commands and code pages varies between printer vendors and models. By default, the driver will accept UTF-8, and output commands that are suitable for Epson TM-series printers. When trying out a new brand of printer, it's a good idea to use the "simple" `CapabilityProfile`, which instructs the driver to avoid the use of advanced features (generally simpler image handling, ASCII-only text). ```php use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\WindowsPrintConnector; use Mike42\Escpos\CapabilityProfile; $profile = CapabilityProfile::load("simple"); $connector = new WindowsPrintConnector("smb://computer/printer"); $printer = new Printer($connector, $profile); ``` As another example, Star-branded printers use different commands: ```php use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\WindowsPrintConnector; use Mike42\Escpos\CapabilityProfile; $profile = CapabilityProfile::load("SP2000") $connector = new WindowsPrintConnector("smb://computer/printer"); $printer = new Printer($connector, $profile); ``` For a list of available profiles, or to have support for your printer improved, please see the upstream [receipt-print-hq/escpos-printer-db](https://github.com/receipt-print-hq/escpos-printer-db) project. ### Tips & examples On Linux, your printer device file will be somewhere like `/dev/lp0` (parallel), `/dev/usb/lp1` (USB), `/dev/ttyUSB0` (USB-Serial), `/dev/ttyS0` (serial). On Windows, the device files will be along the lines of `LPT1` (parallel) or `COM1` (serial). Use the `WindowsPrintConnector` to tap into system printing on Windows (eg. [Windows USB](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/tree/master/example/interface/windows-usb.php), [SMB](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/tree/master/example/interface/smb.php) or [Windows LPT](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/tree/master/example/interface/windows-lpt.php)) - this submits print jobs via a queue rather than communicating directly with the printer. A complete real-world receipt can be found in the code of [Auth](https://github.com/mike42/Auth) in [ReceiptPrinter.php](https://github.com/mike42/Auth/blob/master/lib/misc/ReceiptPrinter.php). It includes justification, boldness, and a barcode. Other examples are located in the [example/](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/blob/master/example/) directory. ## Available methods ### __construct(PrintConnector $connector, CapabilityProfile $profile) Construct new print object. Parameters: - `PrintConnector $connector`: The PrintConnector to send data to. - `CapabilityProfile $profile` Supported features of this printer. If not set, the "default" CapabilityProfile will be used, which is suitable for Epson printers. See [example/interface/](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/tree/master/example/interface/) for ways to open connections for different platforms and interfaces. ### barcode($content, $type) Print a barcode. Parameters: - `string $content`: The information to encode. - `int $type`: The barcode standard to output. If not specified, `Printer::BARCODE_CODE39` will be used. Currently supported barcode standards are (depending on your printer): - `BARCODE_UPCA` - `BARCODE_UPCE` - `BARCODE_JAN13` - `BARCODE_JAN8` - `BARCODE_CODE39` - `BARCODE_ITF` - `BARCODE_CODABAR` Note that some barcode standards can only encode numbers, so attempting to print non-numeric codes with them may result in strange behaviour. ### bitImage(EscposImage $image, $size) See [graphics()](#graphicsescposimage-image-size) below. ### cut($mode, $lines) Cut the paper. Parameters: - `int $mode`: Cut mode, either `Printer::CUT_FULL` or `Printer::CUT_PARTIAL`. If not specified, `Printer::CUT_FULL` will be used. - `int $lines`: Number of lines to feed before cutting. If not specified, 3 will be used. ### feed($lines) Print and feed line / Print and feed n lines. Parameters: - `int $lines`: Number of lines to feed ### feedForm() Some printers require a form feed to release the paper. On most printers, this command is only useful in page mode, which is not implemented in this driver. ### feedReverse($lines) Print and reverse feed n lines. Parameters: - `int $lines`: number of lines to feed. If not specified, 1 line will be fed. ### graphics(EscposImage $image, $size) Print an image to the printer. Parameters: - `EscposImage $img`: The image to print. - `int $size`: Output size modifier for the image. Size modifiers are: - `IMG_DEFAULT` (leave image at original size) - `IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH` - `IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT` A minimal example: ```php graphics($img); ``` See the [example/](https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/blob/master/example/) folder for detailed examples. The function [bitImage()](#bitimageescposimage-image-size) takes the same parameters, and can be used if your printer doesn't support the newer graphics commands. As an additional fallback, the `bitImageColumnFormat()` function is also provided. ### initialize() Initialize printer. This resets formatting back to the defaults. ### pdf417Code($content, $width, $heightMultiplier, $dataColumnCount, $ec, $options) Print a two-dimensional data code using the PDF417 standard. Parameters: - `string $content`: Text or numbers to store in the code - `number $width`: Width of a module (pixel) in the printed code. Default is 3 dots. - `number $heightMultiplier`: Multiplier for height of a module. Default is 3 times the width. - `number $dataColumnCount`: Number of data columns to use. 0 (default) is to auto-calculate. Smaller numbers will result in a narrower code, making larger pixel sizes possible. Larger numbers require smaller pixel sizes. - `real $ec`: Error correction ratio, from 0.01 to 4.00. Default is 0.10 (10%). - `number $options`: Standard code `Printer::PDF417_STANDARD` with start/end bars, or truncated code `Printer::PDF417_TRUNCATED` with start bars only. ### pulse($pin, $on_ms, $off_ms) Generate a pulse, for opening a cash drawer if one is connected. The default settings (0, 120, 240) should open an Epson drawer. Parameters: - `int $pin`: 0 or 1, for pin 2 or pin 5 kick-out connector respectively. - `int $on_ms`: pulse ON time, in milliseconds. - `int $off_ms`: pulse OFF time, in milliseconds. ### qrCode($content, $ec, $size, $model) Print the given data as a QR code on the printer. - `string $content`: The content of the code. Numeric data will be more efficiently compacted. - `int $ec` Error-correction level to use. One of `Printer::QR_ECLEVEL_L` (default), `Printer::QR_ECLEVEL_M`, `Printer::QR_ECLEVEL_Q` or `Printer::QR_ECLEVEL_H`. Higher error correction results in a less compact code. - `int $size`: Pixel size to use. Must be 1-16 (default 3) - `int $model`: QR code model to use. Must be one of `Printer::QR_MODEL_1`, `Printer::QR_MODEL_2` (default) or `Printer::QR_MICRO` (not supported by all printers). ### selectPrintMode($mode) Select print mode(s). Parameters: - `int $mode`: The mode to use. Default is `Printer::MODE_FONT_A`, with no special formatting. This has a similar effect to running `initialize()`. Several MODE_* constants can be OR'd together passed to this function's `$mode` argument. The valid modes are: - `MODE_FONT_A` - `MODE_FONT_B` - `MODE_EMPHASIZED` - `MODE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT` - `MODE_DOUBLE_WIDTH` - `MODE_UNDERLINE` ### setBarcodeHeight($height) Set barcode height. Parameters: - `int $height`: Height in dots. If not specified, 8 will be used. ### setBarcodeWidth($width) Set barcode bar width. Parameters: - `int $width`: Bar width in dots. If not specified, 3 will be used. Values above 6 appear to have no effect. ### setColor($color) Select print color - on printers that support multiple colors. Parameters: - `int $color`: Color to use. Must be either `Printer::COLOR_1` (default), or `Printer::COLOR_2` ### setDoubleStrike($on) Turn double-strike mode on/off. Parameters: - `boolean $on`: true for double strike, false for no double strike. ### setEmphasis($on) Turn emphasized mode on/off. Parameters: - `boolean $on`: true for emphasis, false for no emphasis. ### setFont($font) Select font. Most printers have two fonts (Fonts A and B), and some have a third (Font C). Parameters: - `int $font`: The font to use. Must be either `Printer::FONT_A`, `Printer::FONT_B`, or `Printer::FONT_C`. ### setJustification($justification) Select justification. Parameters: - `int $justification`: One of `Printer::JUSTIFY_LEFT`, `Printer::JUSTIFY_CENTER`, or `Printer::JUSTIFY_RIGHT`. ### setLineSpacing($height) Set the height of the line. Some printers will allow you to overlap lines with a smaller line feed. Parameters: - `int $height`: The height of each line, in dots. If not set, the printer will reset to its default line spacing. ### setPrintLeftMargin($margin) Set print area left margin. Reset to default with `Printer::initialize()`. Parameters: - `int $margin`: The left margin to set on to the print area, in dots. ### setPrintWidth($width) Set print area width. This can be used to add a right margin to the print area. Reset to default with `Printer::initialize()`. Parameters: - `int $width`: The width of the page print area, in dots. ### setReverseColors($on) Set black/white reverse mode on or off. In this mode, text is printed white on a black background. Parameters: - `boolean $on`: True to enable, false to disable. ### setTextSize($widthMultiplier, $heightMultiplier) Set the size of text, as a multiple of the normal size. Parameters: - `int $widthMultiplier`: Multiple of the regular height to use (range 1 - 8). - `int $heightMultiplier`: Multiple of the regular height to use (range 1 - 8). ### setUnderline($underline) Set underline for printed text. Parameters: - `int $underline`: Either `true`/`false`, or one of `Printer::UNDERLINE_NONE`, `Printer::UNDERLINE_SINGLE` or `Printer::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE`. Defaults to `Printer::UNDERLINE_SINGLE`. ### text($str) Add text to the buffer. Text should either be followed by a line-break, or `feed()` should be called after this. Parameters: - `string $str`: The string to print. # Further notes Posts I've written up for people who are learning how to use receipt printers: * [What is ESC/POS, and how do I use it?](https://mike42.me/blog/what-is-escpos-and-how-do-i-use-it), which documents the output of `example/demo.php`. * [Setting up an Epson receipt printer](https://mike42.me/blog/2014-20-26-setting-up-an-epson-receipt-printer) * [Getting a USB receipt printer working on Linux](https://mike42.me/blog/2015-03-getting-a-usb-receipt-printer-working-on-linux) # Development This code is MIT licensed, and you are encouraged to contribute any modifications back to the project. For development, it's suggested that you load `imagick`, `gd` and `Xdebug` PHP exensions, and install `composer`. The tests are executed on [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/mike42/escpos-php) over PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7, 7, and HHVM. Earlier versions of PHP are not supported. Fetch a copy of this code and load dependencies with composer: git clone https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php cd escpos-php/ composer install Execute unit tests via `phpunit`: php vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text This project uses the PSR-2 standard, which can be checked via [PHP_CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer): php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=psr2 src/ -n The developer docs are build with [doxygen](https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen). Re-build them to check for documentation warnings: make -C doc clean && make -C doc Pull requests and bug reports welcome.